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Oswald’s Fleet

See Also: Bardic Knowledge

Brizanthimus, Nigel, and Belenus close up the chandler’s shop. The walk quickly to Fishtown in the hopes of speaking with Mirwen. What they find is that the entire wharf district has been barricaded by the elves. Many of the buildings have been converted by the elves to serve as makeshift barracks for the soldiers they have brought. Belenus uses his status as elf-friend to speak with Euriel who passes on a message that Mirwen wishes to speak with him in the Elven Quarter.

Unlike the rest of the city the Elven Quarter feels as early spring. The snow has melted and while the air is still chilly – there is the distinct smell of new blossoms. The large tree in the central circle has bloomed and pods nearly a foot long hang heavily from its branches. Mirwen has set out a small meal for everyone, but after on a few brief moments of conversation she is called away.

An elf that looks old even by the standards of his people greets them and sits down at the table. He is sorry to hear that the chandler has died along with his “friend” but he is willing to help them if it suits his needs. Briz is angry that he would not help simply to stop the killings, but Nigel is more pragmatic and convinces Briz to return to the table. Instead they exchange information. The elf tells them that Charles is deeply involved in many things and that he cannot be harmed by a mortal-crafted weapon or magic. He knows of the coven around Lady Hapsteng, but not of its true purpose.

Oswald has been cleansed of the demonic taint after a through soaking of both himself and his purse. The cleansing lasted several days, many kegs of ale, and as much entertainment as he could afford. He is ready for the meeting tonight.

Xarth retreats from the Donjon, bearing Yswa with him. He takes him to the house of Adolphus for healing. After a few private words with Yswa Xarth comes to the realization that he has left behind his self as a shoag and has instead embraced his life as the Champion of the Ifrit. Yswa understands as it was his own sin that bound such a powerful elemental to the stone of this village.

The Last of the Vulfgrau

Eighteeen cloaked and masked people enter a tavern on the edge of The Wash for a single purpose – the leader of the Vulfgrau Trading House has summoned the inner circle. A woman they have never met addresses them. She is pleased with the progress and will now return their blood and give them their final payment. Everything they have worked for these years has reached fruition.

Any that wish to continue the work may stay an join a more select group, any that wish to leave with a heavy purse. A fire has been provided to destroy their blood so that it may never be used against them. Oswald and Nigel both decline the offer to join the smaller group; although they note that five people do elect to continue working with the woman. The independence of Bornheim is coming she says and those who do not wish to be caught up in the firestorm had best leave.

The Vulfgrau Trading House has served its purpose and will not rise again. Instead a smaller circle of true adherents have bound themselves together to their leader.

Lady Hapsteng

Gia Sojourner wanders through town looking for a place to rest and reach the spirits of this land. She finds an immaculate townhouse in Glory Ridge whose garden has attracted many small spirits. She asks permission to sleep in the garden overnight; although the manservant objects, the owner of the house, Countess Beatrice Hapsteng, agrees to her request.

Gia is sleeping on the floor with nothing but a simple cloak wrapped around her. Bel arrives at the Hapsteng house and after seeing nobody, but an elderly homeless woman, slips over the fence. He covers the woman up with his winter cloak as he makes a quick circuit of the house; although she returns it with thanks for the gesture. Bel approaches the carriage house door as the best entrance and tries to use his magic to break down the door.

Before he can get through the door a shadow spirit rises from the ground and attacks him. The noise of the conflict draws one of the household guards outside to join the battle against Belenus. Gia is awakened not by the clashing of swords, but the angry buzz of the garden spirits. She finds the violent spirit of darkness and works to free it from bondage. Bel's sword blaze with argent light as he weakens and drives the spirit back. The spirit beset by Bel is unable to resist the calling of Gia and its freedom.

Bel knocks the guard unconscious which brings cries of “Murder!” from the house. He tries to flee, but the guard are simply too numerous for him to escape. Gia tries to convince the guard that he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, but the guard simply tells her to come and speak with him in the morning.

A Lifeline

Oswald calls for a town council. As one of the captains docked in their bay he sits on the Borulli council. Although the two other captains remain unconvinced, he manages to rally the people of the town to build as many ships as they can. They don't have to survive the open sea, simply work along the coast to the south away from this valley. The town enthusiastically rises to his challenge and pledge their support for Oswald's plan. The two other captains simply weigh anchor and leave anyone that cannot pay for passage.

Trapped on land and ably lead by Oswald, the Hashan break into a frenzy. Nearly the entire village of Borulli is stripped to its foundation. Anything made of wood or steel is salvaged for emergency ships. While this is happening Oswald meets with the fishermen that live in the small hamlets along the northern spur. He tells them he will take them away from here in exchange for their help and their waters for ship-building. The fishers readily agree and joined together in cooperation with the hashan begin to lay down keels.

Iiro has some bad news for Oswald when he comes to collect rigging for the ships. The elves have confiscated all of his finished goods and have forbidden him from selling to anyone except for them – at cut-rate prices to boot. He does have some starting materials, but with elven patrols passing by frequently he cannot make the heaviest ropes in secret. Oswald tells him to start working as fast as he can and he will deal with the elves.

Bargains Struck

Briz visits Charles in a nice house the demon is using east of Old Town. Charles assures him that the current occupants will not be bothering them. The agreement that is eventually signed by both parties ensures the safety of Gloria Hölzer and Ilse Lange from Charles and his kind. Furthermore it requires Charles to stop Llannoth the Lich King from manifesting within the city. Briz agrees to no longer interfere with Charles or encourage or assist others in doing so.

Once the contract has been signed Charles opens the front door. Gloria and Ilsa are standing outside shivering from the cold. Tears are running down Gloria's eyes as she says, “I am so sorry Briz. I wanted to protect you from him. I agreed.” A pit opens up in Briz’s stomach when he realizes that Charles has signed a contract with Gloria to shield him. The demon has struck to agreements for the same purpose by ensuring that Briz and Gloria could not talk to each other.

He bound them both to the same promise. Briz, Gloria, and Ilsa seek refuge among the Mladovians that stay in the city. The next morning he escorts Gloria and Ilsa back to the palace. Everyone is silent while walking there as if the weight of what they did is too heavy a burden to speak.

Stonearm Retreat

Xarth hears the kids in the village talk of a dwarven army coming from the north, so he goes to investigate. Unlike the army that marched north, this one is going south. It is an organized retreat, but the battered and maimed dwarves returning still carry the burden of retreat. He helps the people of the village bring food, water, and bandages to the retreating dwarves.

The hollow look upon their faces tell the tale of a battle lost in the north. It is not just the demons, but a human mercenary company that strikes at any that are separated from the group. Looters most likely, although they are flying a banner and seem devilishly organized. The only other thing of note was a cloaked figure astride a nightmare wielding an iron staff and doing battle with the powerful spirit that seems to be driving the demons forward. She was surrounded by an “honor guard” of Reavers. The sight was almost more unnerving than the demons attacking them.

Xarth says goodbye to Adolphus and travels north to link up with the dwarves still fighting the retreat. Their efforts to slow down the demons will allow more of their wounded to reach the relative safety of the walls.

Lord Marshal of Bornheim

In the morning Oswald decides to speak with the Lord Marshal concerning supplies needed for his ships. As the only remaining captain he has a right under the charter to freely contract for goods and services. The elves are interfering with him. He decides to take along Nigel in case things get dicey. The city is no longer safe to travel, even during the day, except in numbers.

Along the way they run into Briz, Gloria, and Ilsa – who are also going to see the Lord Marshal. Oswald decides that this is the ticket into the Palace District so he joins their group. As they near Glory Ridge the crowds begin to thicken. Gia is at the front of the crowd speaking passionately about the food being horded by those within its gilded gates. The guards stationed outside are not letting anyone into distract unless they have a sealed note from one of the households inside.

The guards recognize Briz, Gloria, and the Baron’s daughter right away and push back a opening for them to pass through. When Oswald and Nigel force their way through immediately behind them Gia has the entire throng push through. The guards lose control but are not willing to draw their swords and drive the people back. Instead a large march begins towards the Palace District.

As Briz passes by the Hapsteng residence the spirits that constantly swirl invisibly around him suddenly grow not only in numbers, but size as well. Instead of appears as motes of dust, snow, or ice – they take on distinct forms visible for everyone to see. The crown immediately panics and flees from the sudden magic. This makes Briz uncomfortable; although Gia manages to soothe some of the crowd from turning on them. The temple guards standing watch outside the palace walls rush forward and quickly hustle Briz and his group through the gatehouse.

When they reach the Lord Marshal’s residence they are expertly stripped of weapons, while Gloria and Ilsa are led away by ladies-in-waiting. Briz drags Nigel to one side and quietly tells him in vague terms what happened last night including what he has learned about Llannoth the Lich King. The Chamberlain takes the group to a private dining area and has the staff fetch some meager food and drink. It is clear the Lord Marshal has stripped his larder bare for the city.

The door opens and Lady Hapsteng comes through, followed by Lady Liese and the Lord Marshal deep in conversation. Gia immediately stands up and blocks the path of Lady Hapsteng as she tries to leave. The Lord Marshal looks vexed and Lady Liese shocked at the impudence of the old woman. Lady Hapsteng’s cool eyes clash with Gia's impassioned ones for long moment. Long enough for Oswald to notice the aura of dark magic about her. Nigel steps up to pull Gia away, but he really intends to gaze upon her soul. He sees that she has sold her soul or immeasurable power. She is a very dangerous person.

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