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See Also: Planes (Index), Planes (List)

A single dominion is divided into a many infinite number of planes. These planes are not stacked together like plates nor are they thrown together like balls in a pit. Instead the planes are like liquids within a large bowl that cannot mix with each other. Some float on top or bottom of the others, while some twist and wrap about each other. Occasionally small bits of one liquid breaks off and forms its own suspended blob of liquid separate from the main blob. On the other side sometimes these blobs come together and reconnect. The entirety of all of the liquids are constantly in motion - some slower or faster than others.

The beings within each the planes are small bits of sediment that are suspended inside of a single liquid. The liquid does not destroy the sediment nor does the sediment destroy the liquid. Where two different bits of liquid touch it is possible for a piece of sediment to move from one to the other. In the same way beings within a plane can use magic or some other power to move between different planes. Occasionally a really long straw is needed to connect two planes - but that just takes more power.

Planes only exist when connected to or wholly contained within the Shadow Realms. There are no planes wholly contained within the Divine Realms, Elemental Realms, or Infernal Realms nor are there any planes that interconnect between these realms.

Scholars refer to the planes based upon where they exist.

  • The Shadow Planes are those planes that are completely bound within the Shadow Realms.
  • The Primal Planes are those planes that connect a Shadow Plane to the either the Divine Realms or Infernal Realms
  • The Elemental Planes are those planes that connect a Shadow Plane to one of the Elemental Realms.


A demiplane is a finite plane that is wholly contained within another plane. A demiplane can be created by beings of the Divine or Infernal Realms within a Primal Plane that they control. Creatures of the Shadow Realms can create demiplanes within the plane of their existence as well. Creating and maintain a plane is very difficult so generally only powerful wizards have the power to create them.

Only creatures native to the plane can create a demiplane within that plane. A human native to the Mortal Plane can never create nor maintain a demiplane within the Fae Lands, likewise a Sidhe in the Mortal Plane.

It is impossible to every create a Demiplane within either the Divine or Infernal realms - a demiplane must be created within an existing plane.

A demiplane can operate within its own rules as long as it does not violate any of the absolute laws of the plane where it exists. Commonly a demiplane is used to create a small space that operates on rules that change, but not violate the native plane's rules. Commonly this involves changes in physical or temporal laws.