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The Spirits of Yesteryear

See Also: Bardic Knowledge

Hafwyn, Keribrar, Lady Anne Mowbry, and Thorne get back safely to the Veridian Vault with Quilate. His injuries have been poorly tended, but he still lives. Anne tends to his wounds while Keribrar tells him what has transpired the last days. Tending Quilate uses up the last of their supplies so Anne and Hafwyn go to the market to purchase more. Quilate, Keribrar, and Thorne go to the Temple District to visit Thaogut.


While in the market Anne begins asking around about who is in charge and how things are done. The only answers she can find is that multiple people claim to be in charge, but generally their authority extends only as long as they are nearby. There are the gangs of Waterdeep who are always after protection money. Each of them claim some territory in the market, but not enough control to hold it more than a few days. Janos holds sway in Crofterton through gangs of craftsmen. Finally King Merridan holds sway in the Temple District, but not anything beyond it.

Asking so many questions has drawn unwanted attention. Hafwyn notices that they have been shadowed for the past few stalls. In fact they must have reached a point because the thugs are surrounding them. It is too late to flee, so it will have to be settled with fists. They notice the large man from the Sword and Bones who was with Gabor. Anne tries to appeal to the man, but fails to get him to understand.

The beating is swift and not fatal. This was a message from someone to stay out of their business. Their only lead is Gabor's man.

Thorne, Quilate, and Keribrar travel through Crofterton with the distinct feeling of not being welcomed. They spend no coin only hoping to pass through without a fight. They do reach the Temple District without difficulty, but those they passed would be unlikely to welcome them back. Keribrar and Quilate drew the worst stares. Given that nearly everyone they saw was human it was not surprising they stared at the least human-looking of their group.

Before they can find Thaogut the come across a preacher one a stool calling out the name of his god to save the people. He has a message of hope for some, but retribution for others. He blames the elves for killing the people of this land and clouding the thoughts of the righteous. He brings forth a holy cup to offer blessed water for the faithful. The people line up to drink from the cup, which is suddenly filled with water.

Quilte gets in line to sample some of the drink. When he gets to the front of the line Father Karl, the name of the priest, offers the blessings of Techiuan. No matter how many drank from the cup it never seems to empty. Quilate must have this cup so he steals it from the good Father and flies up in the air. The priest is maddened that someone would steal a holy artifact and calls for the guards to stop him from stealing it. Quilate is disappointed the cup empties once out of the priest's hands so flies down and returns it.
