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Dellock is a Chaos Sorcerer, one who has been cursed to forever destroy order and structure in any form. As time passes the power of the chaos that is bound with his soul becomes stronger and stroner, eventually merging with his soul. When that happens he must seek out his counterpart, a woman whose soul is bound by order, and consume her - creating only a single being which will divide and reborn to being the process anew. Dellock has already met his counterpart, but has not reached the end of his time yet.


Lands Caemalen
Occupation Chaos Sorcerer
Nationality Kingdom of Dakar
Spouse none
Issue none
Father unknown
Mother Prostitute
Born 422
Religion none
Race Human (Northman)

Dellock grew up on the streets, the product of some unknown father and a prostitute. That his birth was very unusual was never really told to him, but enough of the older people knew and stayed away. It was when his power first manifested that Dellock decided to leave the area. He is unsure of his magical power — only that other wizards tend to keep him at more than arms length. He cannot master even the easiest spells from most spell books, yet he can summon forth his own power. Now he wanders the world in search of questions to the answers in his head.

His looks are as fluid as the magic and is forever bound to his soul. Most days he is an slightly smaller than average height (5'6“) male northman. His hair is black and constantly unkempt while his eyes shift from light blue to black even while you are looking at him. To counter the attention this can draw Dellock continues to wear the same type of clothes he wore as a street urchin - a simple undyed tunic belted at the waist with rope and makeshift sandals.

Unless otherwise noted, all events take place during the Age of Heroes

Year Events
422 Born
427 First manifestation of chaos power within him
441 Meet companions and formed Fazhoul's Raiders a mercenary company
448 The growing power of chaos within him nearly kills Khirgha Mirrin - Dellock leaves Fazhoul's Raiders
Fazhoul's Raiders disband
453 Dellock battles his first Agent of Chaos and overcomes him - his self-determination collapses
455 Dellock gets control of himself once more, but not before killing five other Agents of Chaos
457 Dellock manages to defeat an Agent of Chaos and absorb his power without killing him
462 Overcomes Ian Fist in the Elfenwald and takes the chaos from him
Arrives in Bornheim