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The given name of the Dawnwatcher no longer matters. When one is chosen by Karash what came before no longer has any meaning. His prophetic name says that he will be the first to see the dawning of the sun after the darkness of the storm. The violent nature of his test speaks of great harm and bloodshed during the storm. The Dawnwatcher commands respect among his peers as his is the word of salvation.

He was born in the village of Caerphar along the Doursse River. Named Garn Manfields by his parents after his great-uncle. His parents were serfs who served the lands of Lord Wilhelm Krueger. It was good land and the village polemen along the river bringing stone to the masons of Bornheim. It was Wasser Filch, the village priest, who recognized the hand of Karash upon the boy.

In Y441 Garn was raised to the title of Wasser and sent to the village of Rochs Falls.

During a powerful sleeting storm in Y450 two fishing boats were lost in the storm. Wasser Manfields took his own boat and rowed into the storm. He found both boats and lashed them to his own. As the storm vented its rage he prayed for the lives of the fishermen. In the morning all three boats returned and not a single man was lost. Within a month he was summoned to the Temple of Luminous Kaskade to undertake a testing.

The testing took place in Y457 and of all the candidates he was the only one to pass, two others returned and three died. It was considered a dark omen that so many died. The storm was as strong as anyone could remember during the test, but the sunlight beamed upon the ship as it returned. Antragsteller Manfields went into the storm and the Dawnwatcher returned.

In Y462 the city of Bornheim is wracked by infighting when an army of Reavers encamp east of the city. Demons, released from Tminir Tower have ravaged the farms to the north. The worst winter in memory brings starvation and plague. Those of the temple look to him for their salvation.