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Erasmus Trading House

This warehouse is located in the Market Commons of Bornheim. A simple two-story timber structure houses the factors and business offices of the Erasmus Family. These factors meet with quartermasters, shippers, caravan masters, and craftsmen that are either visiting or have goods near the city. They either buy and sell the goods directly or act as a guarantor for a third-party.

A meaningful portion of the business if the buying and selling of trade stocks for merchant caravans and ships. This is not typically done in the Kingdom of Dakar, but is far more common in Irill and Theodova. When buying stock the trading house lend a master the money for a trade shipment and in exchange expect a share of the sale cost. This offers a master a chance at a risky route in the hopes of a larger bounty.

The ground floor of the trading house still resembles the warehouse the Erasmus family purchased. The floor is concrete and meticulously kept clean. Against the south and west walls are small padlocked rooms. These rooms serve to keep expensive goods secure. The most southwestern of the rooms has a secret bolthole into the storm drains that run below the warehouse.

The upper floor is several rooms where the employees can negotiate deals behind closed door. Some shipments are sensitive as well as some topics. There are four large rooms along the western wall. These rooms are only used by family members. Before the trading house was burned down they were used by Cristobal Erasmus, Girardino da Liovia, Tycho Terrante, and Amer Terrante.