
A Sapient being is relatively new to the cosmos. The very first such being was a True Elf. Before this time sentient beings live on Miranda as well as other planets. In addition to the gods, devils, titans, and even The Creator and Krynan. All of these beings were highly intelligent and powerful, but they were not sapient. A sapient creature has within them self-awareness and free will.

It may appear as if the very powerful beings that live in the cosmos have self-awareness and free will, but they cannot step outside of what they are to be something different. As the old tale of the Fox and Scorpion the scorpion stings the fox, dooming them both to death, because that is what a scorpion does - you cannot expect it to ignore its nature. Even writ large a Goddess of Tricks will always try and deceive - that is in her nature. She can obviously tell the truth, but it is only to twist into a larger jest.

A sapient being can change themselves - become something more (or less) or even just different. They can elect to simply not do something, sometimes called the Greatest Freedom of them All.
