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The Vaynites are a religious culture centered around the veneration of Vayne, god of battle.


The Kingdom of Krandryia is the heart of the Vaynites in the Western Realms. The kingdom is ruled by the Laws of Vayne, with the king being selected by single combat. Although most of the population is human, dwarves, orcs, and goblins have all settled in these lands to dedicate themselves to Vayne.

Guardians of Order

The Guardians of Order, commonly called The Guardians, are a religious military order dedicated to the belief of a Last Battle. They strive during their life to become the finest warriors, defeating all enemies before them. Their Chapter Houses have spread from the highlands each centered on a single warmaster. Members are encouraged to travel, many forming mercenary companies, to better their own skill. Visiting Chapter Houses to pass one and receive new wisdom.

The Guardians of Order are the sworn enemies of The reavers. Even the rumor of Reavers gathering will marshal chapter houses to battle.