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Number Adjective
-2 Terrible
-1 Poor
+0 Mediocre
+1 Fair
+2 Average
+3 Good
+4 Great
+5 Superb
+6 Fantastic
+7 Epic
+8 Legendary
Number Adjective Examples
0 Diminutive A creature that can fit into your hand;
1 Tiny A smaller that human creature; a dog
2 Small A human-sized creature; a horse, rowboat, carriage
3 Medium The size of ten men; a cottage or long ship
4 Large A large dragon or giant; small castle, average village, cog or carrack
5 Huge A once-in-a-lifetime dragon; medium-sized castle or town, floating island
6 Enormous Mythical dragon so large it is part of the landscape
7 Colossal A living forest or vast dimensional entity; large city or fleet of ships
8 World A creature the size of an ocean or world; a kingdom, continent, or world
9 Planar Something spanning many worlds or planes of existence
10 Internection Something spanning the whole existence
Rank Time
1 Instant
2 A few seconds
3 Half a minute
4 A minute
5 A few minutes
6 15 minutes
7 Half an hour
8 An hour
9 A few hours
10 An afternoon
11 A day
12 A few days
13 A week
14 A few weeks
15 A month
16 A few months
17 A season
18 Half a year
19 A year
20 A few years
21 A decade
22 A lifetime

The distance a ship can sail, the range of a castle’s signals, and so on, is determined by the appropriate skill level (Systems for communication, Water Manoeuvre for sailing, etc) on the table below. This doesn’t apply to weapons.

Number Adjective Examples
-2 Terrible Anywhere in the immediate vicinity
-1 Poor Halfway to the next town, village, or island
+0 Mediocre A neighbouring town, village, or island
+1 Average Several towns or islands away
+2 Fair A different region
+3 Good Anywhere in the current kingdom
+4 Great Another kingdom
+5 Superb Anywhere on the current continent
+6 Fantastic Anywhere in the known world
+7 Epic Another plane of existence
+8 Legendary Anywhere in the Internection