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An imp is a mischievous spirit created by those of the Infernal Realms to serve those of the Mortal Plane who call upon them for aid. An imp is not a powerful or strong avatar, which allows it to be easily bullied by those they serve, but it is very capable of causing difficulties if not kept in line.

As a reflection of the nature of its weak power and stature, an imp is typically small with a slight build and subservient mannerisms. The flip side of that coin is often the sharp claws and teeth that give a small indication of what it can do when not kept under foot. An imp only respects and listens to those stronger than itself - it will turn on those it considers weaker. It may not attack them directly as it is still less than those around it, but an imp is clever enough strike to the best effect.

Imps are typically found on one of the many demiplanes that sit between the Mortal Plane and the Infernal Realms. They live a massive groups kept under the control of a physically strong demon. Should the demon falter they will kill it and rampage out of control until another demon bind them to itself.