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See Also: GM Notes

This is the fifth story arc in the Dakarian Insurrection campaign. The city is pressed to the limit as civil war breaks out while a demon army and Reavers are pressing in from the outside. Plans made centuries ago by Charles begin to bear fruit as the various cultures within the city cannot hold together. What the city needs is heroes and what the heroes need is to stand together. The fate of the city will not turn on the hundreds of men and women defending the walls - but those individuals who shine brighter in the darkest times.





Belenus is a Krandryia freebooter working for Vulfgrau

  • 1: Battles Reavers in small village to the east.


Brizanthimus is a traveling magician and storyteller.

  • 1: Works for Baron Lange.

Gia Sojourner

Gia Sojourner hears the calling of the spirits driving her even onward to discordant places

  • 1: Arrives in Bornheim with refugees, calming those along her path. The city is in pain.


Nigel is a dark and twisted assassin deployed to Bornheim as a weapon

  • 1: Given list of 5 targets. 1 kill and 1 crippled.


Oswald is a Hashan pirate captain in inner circle of Vulfgrau

  • 1: Given list of 5 targets. 1 kill and 1 crippled.


Xarth is a Shoag shaman cast out from his land

Major Roles

  • Lady Beatrice Hapsteng; Appointed by the Queen to oversee her property
    • Member of the Circle of Women
  • Dae; Guardian of Order Acolyte, Nigel's sister


Listed in order of Appearance

  • Mirwen; Elven warrior skilled in both the axe and magic.
  • Lady Liese; Staunch royalists and devout members of The Light. Support Lady Beatrice
    • Member of the Circle of Women
  • Lord Liese; Wealthy merchant married to Lady Liese.