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Jinan Valley

This land has known many names, it was called “Kraddack” by the Carthins that once lived there. When the Turanians conquered them they renamed the valley in honor of Jinan al Saab, one of their greatest explorers.

With favorable weather from the jet stream and sheltered from harsher northern winds by the Anor Mountains the valley has the fairest climate of anywhere on the continent of Miran. While the most northern edges of the valley may occasionally see snow, typically it is blessed with cool, rainy winters and temperate summers. While the southern lands see less rainfall and hotter summers, but a higher humidity due to the nearby Beyaz Swamp.

There are numerous rivers that run out of the Anor Mountains and through the valley. These rives, along with the rainfall makes the valley a verdant place well suited for agriculture and ranching.

Most of the valley has a mild temperate climate with long growing seasons that have plenty of rain.