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The Shining Blade

This tavern is located in the Warehouse district of the port city of Bornheim. It is one of the largest taverns in Bornheim and is welcoming to all comers. It reputation as a dangerous place comes from the prominent fighting pit that has been made from a collapsed storm drain that ran beneath the building. It is said the patrons will bet on any fight regardless of its nature - of even of anyone in the pit wants to fight.

Gerhard brought the tavern in 458 AH and never really made much from it until the storm drain below collapsed. He is an average brewer and too cheap to buy skilled cooks, but he was a retired sell-sword and new an opportunity when he saw one. After cleaning up the pit he opened it up for blood matches. He offered a large purse to the winner based upon the amount of money bet for the match. A well-known and skilled fighter could earn a decent sum during the weekly fights.

Fight Club

In 462 AH Xarth started a Fight Club in the tavern. He paid Gerhard for exclusive access to the pit and began to teach those that showed up a better way to fight. Instead of the brawlers that typically struggled in the pit, Xarth trained soldiers. Prominent members include Marrik Stonearm and Belenus.

It was a short lived club as the elves took control over most of the docks during the harsh winter of 462 (Peril of Wintertide).