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Leads smallest smuggling faction in Bornheim

One of the three Lords of Water who control most of the smuggling in Bornheim and its surrounds. Ingram's faction is the smallest of the three lords, but the only one that retains some agreement with Baron Donat Lange, Lord Marshal of Bornheim. Ingram holds very little sway over the docks, instead concentrating his resources on the fishing villages north of the city. He is on good terms with the hashan charter-town of Borulli.

Ingram makes up for his below-average size and pot-bellied frame by bluster and canny instinct. He knows the limits of intelligence and prefers to hire people he trusts to handle specific problems. While his clothes and demeanor may suggest someone not used to keeping their hands dirty, this is more affectation than reliable information. Never let someone else do the job unless you are willing to do it yourself. He does not just look upon the sausage as its made, but will cut and grind up the meat himself.

In 461 Ingram hires Tomacarne to handle his book-keeping. His previous clerk died during a drunken accident aboard ship when Ingram found he was selling information. Tomacarne seemed an outcast from the elves and in need of a home. Ingram has been pleased with the hire and Tomacarne's reputation as the “Bloody Elf” does not hurt business.