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Land of Clouds

The Land of Clouds is a plane of the Shadow Realms as well as that of Air. It is dominated by two poles of power and stand in opposing and harmonious balance. There is no other element found in this plane, only the air and two poles, and the spirits that flow between them. This is a plane completely in balance with itself at all times. The plane is not intelligent itself, but the spirits are an achieve balance while striving for their own self. There are no native sapient creatures upon this world; although the spirits are highly intelligent.


The poles are physical manifestations and encompass all things, but are also encompassed by all things. Anyone standing on one pole would see everything around them dominated by the other pole and appear as only a tiny speak against the other's massiveness. Yet this is a plane of balance and harmony so that speak is as powerful as the everything.

Light without Heat: The source of all light in this plane comes from a sphere of pure light. It gives off light without giving off any heat or other sources of emission - it is simply light.

Darkness without Cold: The source of all darkness comes from a massive sphere is pure darkness. This sphere gives off darkness without giving off cold, drawing off light, or any other emission. It is just darkness.

The only thing these two sources of power do change is the winds. How this is accomplished is unknown to any scholars, but that makes it no less true. The gentle winds flow across this plane and while it may seem they yield to the tornado-force wind they instead flow around it and fill the space the tornado once occupied.


There are spirits that live in this world. These spirits are intelligent and while they possess a sense of self they are not considered sapient.

The Spirits of the Light serve the light and each other - they seek to drive back the darkness. Although they are not as individually powerful as their counterparts, they can harmonize together and thus destroy even the most powerful of the Dark.

The Spirits of the Dark serve the darkness and themselves - an nothing else. The strongest of the Dark feasts upon the weak always seeking to grow powerful enough to destroy the Light so they may rule all. A spirit of the Dark will never work with another spirit as cooperation is weakness and the weak are swallowed by the strong.

During the Age of the Gods, Aesir tore open a hole between Miranda and the Land of the Clouds. She drew forth the Spirits of the Light and used them to create her Jundari. The spirits of the air were driven to madness as they found themselves trapped in mortal shell unable to embrace the pure light, instead they only saw the darkness of the world.

The balance of the plane is paramount, so unknown to her just as many Spirits of the Dark also were pulled into Miranda. These spirits did not have bodies on this world to survive in, but they could not die as long the spirits in the jundari lived - so they fled to the darkest places the world offered and suffered. In time they changed slightly and the weakest among them adapted to stealing bodies - they became the Dark Vampires from which all vampire kind began.