
Alderok, also known as Honor's Bite and Devilbane, known as the legendary axe wielded by Vayne when he slew the Chaos Lord Sanmmuhhphir to end the Dark Ages. Several times during history Alderok has been lost or stolen, each time it has eventually returned to the Druyen Highlands. Many have sought to destroy or damage the weapon, but no magic or mundane means has even marred its surface. The weapon is truly of divine origin and no man may stand against it.

Although it is called an axe, Alderok is actually a halberd. Its haft is just over 4 feet (1.3 meters) in length and fashioned from what appears to be dark walnut, heavily stained with ancient blood. The head is made from what appears to be Living Steel, but several smiths have examined it and cannot replicate the metal. The axe head is a heavily decorative crescent moon that tapers near the bottom. A wide curved hook is opposite of the axe, giving the weapon excellent balance. The hook is slightly bent from the death blow of Sanmmuhhphir, but no smith has been able to return it to its original shape. The top of the head is a four-sided pyramid spike nearly a foot in length.

Those who have even touched Alderok can feel the living strength of the weapon - its desire to slay those it opposes. Many have tried to claim Alderok for themselves, but those it rejects are lucky if they are just forced to release it. The unlucky ones suffer a short but terrible end. When Alderok allows itself to be wielded they bearer of the weapon knows no fear, suffers no debilitation, and near limitless stamina - when used for its purpose. When simply carried the burden can be heavier than it appears.