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List of Demons

Grimshaw Grimshaw A Grimshaw is a winged demon that appears like a small anteater with oversized wings. It is a solitary hunter with a voracious appetite. It feeds by grasping its prey in its wings and then pushes his snout into its flesh. It will then retch stomach bile into the creature which dissolves organic materials. As the prey's body breaks down a long thin tongue laps up the liquid. A grimshaw is not done feeding until nothing is left of the prey.
Shell Demon Shell Demon These powerful semi-aquatic demons terrorized the shoreline and rivers during the Demon Wars; although attacks during the Age of Empires or Age of Heroes are the stuff of legend. Looking like warped turtles measuring nearly fifteen (15) meters long and eight (8) meters wide with an flat-topped armored shell that can reach up to six (6) meters in height.