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A Thing Called Change

See Also: Bardic Knowledge

Hafwyn sneaks up to the castle and watches the comings and goings of the people. A line of petitioners have arrived early for King Merridan is holding court today.

To discover the inner layout of the Grand Temple Lady Anne Mowbry, Quilate, and Keribrar speak with Verulo, a highly regarded Master Stonemason. He is having lunch at Jorut's Tavern in the market. He has done some work on the temple, but refuses to help them until they have helped him. They settle a dispute between himself and Mastersmith Lasso concerning some missing payment. Verulo says they should speak with Vitorii who he has done work with as well. Anne sighs knowing of whom he speaks and not looking forward to speaking with him again.

Thorne speaks with Seirian about those harmed by the King. She takes him to meet with several people, but it is Elora, an elven weaver, whose story is the most perfect. Her husband was imprisoned by the King on some random act and rumors say he was given to the pit. She knows Captain Savino, the captain of the king's guard, and believes that he would be willing to help her. It is also possible to speak with Litheria the king's seneschal. She often comes down to the poor and brings them food and coin.

There is no such thing as Death, though there be a thing called ChangeShe by H. Rider Haggard

Thorne comes to believe that many of the poor would rise up if they had a leader; although Seirian has her doubts. The people of this city fall back into bad habits after just a few minutes of sunshine. A dark humor has settled over the inhabitants of Fountainhead. Somehow the gangs always seem to know when something is happening in the market and quickly snuff it out. That will have to be dealt with before the people will rise up.

Without warning Seirian screams and falls over, a crossbow bolt buried deep in her side. Thorne drags her to cover and then pulls out the iron-headed bolt. After checking around to see if the assassin is still
