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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec massa nibh, pharetra ac sagittis eu, convallis at augue. In bibendum, mi sed elementum tincidunt, felis turpis ullamcorper eros, in adipiscing tortor tellus quis quam. Vivamus nec semper massa. Integer dignissim mi orci. Donec vitae orci elit. Nullam suscipit fermentum diam id ultrices. Nulla aliquam dapibus ipsum ut ultrices. Integer massa tortor, rhoncus ac sagittis nec, lobortis quis arcu. Praesent ut felis urna. Donec sed lacus nunc. Sed eu risus eu odio fringilla faucibus. Phasellus sit amet justo purus. Nulla vulputate auctor fermentum. Curabitur tempor dolor non justo egestas fermentum. Morbi posuere fringilla lectus in pharetra.

map region

Country Kingdom of Dakar
- Region xxx
- Founded Dakarians yyyy ah
Ruler Sir Tobias Kuhn, Baron of Ulrichstein
- Government Barony
- Districts Town
Land Area xxx km²
- Urban Area xxx km²
- Elevation xx m
Population 1800
- Demonym xx
- Ethnicity xx

Integer at odio metus. Vivamus ac commodo leo. Ut ultrices faucibus congue. Suspendisse elementum sodales odio, eget pulvinar magna vestibulum eget. Proin pellentesque leo in dolor porttitor ac faucibus urna dignissim. Fusce nec erat ac lacus feugiat pellentesque. Sed et nibh sit amet arcu fringilla pharetra. Nunc gravida mi et justo gravida interdum.

Aland River

Nam volutpat tempus consequat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis adipiscing bibendum pretium. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed ut ligula enim, sed condimentum massa. Sed velit tortor, commodo ac eleifend ut, iaculis sed magna. Nullam cursus risus quis felis consectetur suscipit. Aenean sagittis lorem ut elit ornare vitae scelerisque erat placerat. Donec nibh tortor, tristique quis posuere non, ullamcorper pretium leo. Nullam vel tortor leo, id pretium neque. Morbi vestibulum erat id velit tempus iaculis. Sed neque dui, aliquet id suscipit sed, vulputate eu magna. Curabitur quis libero dictum purus blandit feugiat vitae ac elit.

Nunc at mauris massa, quis ornare nibh. Integer egestas, dolor rutrum pellentesque tempor, metus magna gravida erat, et semper nisi urna tincidunt nisl. Cras adipiscing venenatis imperdiet. Donec a suscipit erat. Donec posuere, sem non posuere lobortis, augue lacus porta neque, non fringilla orci mauris ac lorem. Quisque diam mauris, ullamcorper nec tempor et, ornare vitae lectus. Sed tincidunt nulla id odio pellentesque varius. Quisque at felis malesuada diam lacinia suscipit sit amet nec lacus. Pellentesque augue eros, pellentesque id aliquet vitae, dignissim ornare nulla. Integer feugiat elit dictum justo fringilla eget fringilla leo commodo. Integer ornare vulputate libero non elementum. Proin id laoreet velit.

Taxes and Tributes

Quisque diam mauris, ullamcorper nec tempor et, ornare vitae lectus. Sed tincidunt nulla id odio pellentesque varius. Quisque at felis malesuada diam lacinia suscipit sit amet nec lacus. Pellentesque augue eros, pellentesque id aliquet vitae, dignissim ornare nulla. Integer feugiat elit dictum justo fringilla eget fringilla leo commodo. Integer ornare vulputate libero non elementum. Proin id laoreet velit.

Aenean sodales, dolor nec sodales hendrerit, velit orci accumsan diam, nec rutrum orci ante in risus. Duis ac tellus vitae leo consectetur lacinia nec a lorem. Donec orci metus, porta id pharetra eget, malesuada id velit. Cras auctor tristique nibh vel fringilla. Nunc mauris neque, ultricies sed aliquam sit amet, interdum nec tellus. Etiam id nunc nec odio rhoncus bibendum. Nunc vitae vehicula nisl. Vestibulum ac enim nec eros hendrerit accumsan. Phasellus ligula elit, tincidunt in porttitor et, dapibus sed leo. Vivamus fringilla placerat tortor, nec adipiscing est consequat vel. Aliquam sodales nisi sit amet lacus faucibus volutpat. Vivamus volutpat lorem vitae elit hendrerit vitae tincidunt ligula consequat.

Sir Tobias Kuhn

Main Article: Sir Tobias Kuhn

Tobias is the unrecognized bastard son of Thadeus Hausser, Lord of Plaue. One day his father gave him a small bit of coin, a horse, and told to leave. Eventually he worked his way west along the villages and mining camps at the base of the Iron Mountains. Though a combination of luck and skill he saved enough money to form a mercenary company. In the last waning months of the reign of Reiner IV he saved enough money to buy a small barony along the Bornheim trade road.

Tobias has yet to marry; although he is still young enough to sire children should an opportunity present itself. Several of his men have presented their daughters to him in the hopes of securing a marriage, but to date he has remained a bachelor-knight.

Sir Bernahard

Bernahard served as Tobias' shieldman when he was a mercenary captain. When Tobias became the Baron of Ulrichstein, Bernahard was knighted and now serves as his seneschal. Sir Bernahard has become an able steward who enjoys the goodwill of the men and women that work in the household. Given Tibias' dislike for pomp and finery that is not a difficult task.

He is most vexed that Tobias has yet to take a wife. While Baronies revert to the crown after the death of the current Baron, tradition holds that any eligible sons be given deference when choosing a new Baron. Given the location of Ulrichstein there are many wealthy eastern families that would love to secure these lands.

Sir Gerhard Sattler

Main Article: Sir Gerhard Sattler

A young knight newly arrived from Celinus that hopes to make a name for himself fighting back the monsters that infest the western lands of Dakar. He is full of spit and vinegar, ready to take the fight to anything that threatens the land or its people. He has recently gained the favor of Baron Ulrichstein who gave him a sum of money from his privy purse to hire mercenaries and attempt to secure the lands to the south. Sir Sattler will lead these mercenaries in their task, a worthy challenge for the young buck.

Sir Veit Kaufmann

Baliff of Luckau

Sir Konrad Brandt

Lord of Salenhof

Sir Lothar Himmel

Lord of Prinz

Siguard the Storm

Main Article: Siguard the Storm

A powerful and mercurial storm wizard that lives in a stone tower 35 miles north of the town. He tolerates the people of Ulrichstein, but does not care for them. He is more like a force of nature than simply anyone that you would see around ton.



Accolyte in the Temple of Light