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Mockers' Grove

Mockers' Grove is a stretch of trees that from the outside appears to be dense forest thick with underbrush and a dense upper canopy. There is a sense of danger and unwelcome about the place from the outside looking in. Exactly how far it stretches is up to interpretation, but it is contained within the larger Utmarii plateau region.

If you enter the grove from the proper location then everything changes. The grove still exudes a feeling of danger and blood, but the trees are no longer so large or dense and the undergrowth is curtailed. The canopy still stretches across, but enough sunlight reaches the forest floor for lush ferns and moss.

This grove is home to the most eclectic gathering of liminal mortals in the world. Drawn to this grove as both haven and gathering point it never seems to have too little space no matter how many people gather here.

Although the grove has always welcomes the more numerous centaurs or satyrs in the world they rarely walk these lands. Mockers' Grove draws the oddities of the world.

It is not known if Mockery was a mad god or powerful sidhe. Mockery lived on the world and created the grove. If not created for this purpose it soon drew various mortals that lived a half-life between the rest of the world and its animals. These semi-bestial creatures found little solace in the world as most were the creations of magic or magicians.

When the first humans came to this land Mockery welcomed them. These humans had mastered the magic of the elves and delved into far darker secrets. They hated Mockery and several times tried to burn the grove, but each time Mockery drove the off. When the elves came and killed the humans Mockery tried to befriend them, but they were appalled by Mockery's appearance.

Thousands of years later the humans returned to these lands and this time Mockery left the land for good. Mockery told those living in the grove they would be protected, but Mockery could not longer walk these lands and protect them at the same time. Where Mockery went to exactly is unknown, but those who live a sheltered life in the grove thank Mockery with each sunrise.

The flora of Mockers' Grove favor large dogwoods and several different types of conifers. The ground cover is mostly ferns and moss coverings. The canopy stretches on average over one-hundred meters (100 meters). There are countless birds, insects, and other animals that live within the grove, but all of the apex predators are liminals. The only natural wolves, bears, or great cats are those kept as pets or companions by the people of the grove.

The grove is a Temperate rainforest with a heavy rain season. In addition many days the grove is blanketed in heavy moist fog.

Binder's Canyon

Somewhere near the central part of the grove is a small box canyon named in honor of the one who created it. Binder was a large half dwarf and half-man who lived in the woods when Mockery still walked the lands. Uncomfortable in the forest over the course of centuries he pulled down the forest and dug into the earth and stone. The result was a dry canyon where he was comfortable living. Mockery was so impressed that he diverted three rivers and created a beautiful waterfall. Behind the waterfall are large crystals that reflect the morning sun in its glory.

Ochre Pool

Named for the yellowish-orange clay that surrounds the pool, Ochre Pool is a cold deepwater lake near Binder's Canyon. Those able to swim to its deepest depths have seen amazing creatures as liminal are not strictly land animals. The lake is only ten to fifteen meters deep in most parts, but near the center is a tunnel that goes down about forty meters (40m) before it opens up into a larger cavern. This cavern has a large tunnel that eventually reaches the Serpente Sea near the sea bottom.

With no sunlight luminescent plant life along with fish adaptations leave tiny pinpricks of light as stars in the sky.