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Great Grenrikken Forest

The Great Grenrikken Forest is a mixed hardwood and alpine forest. Geographically it is located along the western slope of the Fuldelf Ridge until it reaches the plains east of Bornheim.

There are logging camps along the western edge of the forest as its mix of Ironwood, Walnut, and several species of Maple are in high demand by the merchants who trade in Bornheim.


This unusual tree is believed to only be found in this forest. During the daylight this tree appears to be white oak, but a few hours after the sun sets it takes on a new appearance. Some of the leaves will begin to glow with small dots of luminescence. When huntsmen first noticed these trees it was assumed that small parasites or firefly-like insects were causing the effects because it flashes on and off, but close examination proved it was the leaves that were twinkling.

These trees would be in high demand, but the effect is limited to the living trees and they contain no known alchemical or magical properties beyond any common oak. All attempts to replant these trees in other locations has failed to produce the effect whether grown from seed or sapling. These trees remain a mystery.

Black bear, mountain lions, elk, deer, various raptors, and many other animals that inhabit a temperate decidious forest can be found among the trees and underbrush. In addition there are several creatures unique to Miranda that can be found among the trees. Mountain Giants, Goblins, and the Leppach (a carnivorous shapeshifting animal).