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The land called has Pah encompasses the entirety of the Waukeeneeka Salt Marsh and its nearby lands. These are the lands of the Pah'Shar, a human tribal society who venerate the Exalted Beasts that live alongside them.

The original name came from the Dragon Kings of Ancient Theodova, who named the entire salt marsh in the southwest corner of Miran. The true meaning was lost when the original cartographers died, but the name has survived.

The human tribes that lived in the marsh had no name for themselves, so when explorers from the Irillian Empire came they named them the Pah'Shar or simply “Those of Pah.”

Kilouliki Marsh

The Kilouliki Marsh is a large wetlands that dominates the northern reaches of Pah. Water from the marsh drains into dozens of rivers that flow through the forests to the south, eventually feeding into the Waukeeneeka Salt Marsh.