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  • Race: Believed Irillian Human
  • Sex: Believed to be Male
  • Age: Rumored over 300 years old
  • Status: Head of Irillian Thieves Guild


For over 300 years a person called Shadowhawk has ruled the Irrillian Thieves Guild, simply called The Guild by most Irillians. Before he rose to power The Guild was weak from constant infighting among the various controlling heads of each city. These fights would often take place in the open streets as rival gangs tried to eliminate the competition. When Shadowhawk rose to power, he brought all of disorder to a halt immediately. Any guild master that refused to recognize his authority was eliminated quickly and publicly. In less that a year, the entire organization went quietly underground.

When it finally surfaced again, Shadowhawk was firmly in control. He has run the organization with few challenges in the past 300 years. Each guild master gets wealthy enough not to rock the boat, while city officials are more relieved that the constant warring had finally ended. Even the night watch enjoyed larger bribes and less hassle from The Guild. Shadowhawk rules all of this from several homes scattered across Irill, passing word through his most trusted seconds.


Nobody really can say with certainty what Shadowhawk looks like, since rumors make him everything from a short elf to a tall human with dark hair. However, the most common description is a male human just under six feet with a deep voice and cultured mannerisms. Some point to at least a trace of elven blood in his background because he has lived for over 300 years, while others simply say the title of Shadowhawk is passed on over the generation between the true leaders of the Irillian Guild.

PC Connection

As a constant thorn in the side of Phoenix Company, Shadowhawk has made his presence known to just about every PC group that has passed through Irill; although few knew it at the time. In regards to his foil for the Phoenix Company, Shadowhawk is both a master manipulator and seemingly endless wealth of knowledge. As head of the Thieves Guild for hundreds of years he has managed to amass a great deal of both wealth and power. Occasionally he used this to the benefit of Phoenix Company, but only when it also worked to his advantage.