Eva LaGrange

Wife of the Craftmaster of Kernwerk

At times both open and manipulative. She married Karl, the Stone Master of Kernwerk, for his position and privilege, but soon grew to love him. She bore him two children, but grew to hate her body and the change brought on by age and birth. In Y441 she took Charles, a local merchant as her lover. Unbeknownst to her the man was actually a demon and soon ensnared her into his lies. He brought back her youth and beauty, but took her husband's life in exchange.

She looks far younger than her age, often decades younger. She also always seemed to have more jewelry than would be possible simply from her husband's purse. This spread gossip, but not too far as accidents happened to those that delved too much into her affairs. Always dressed in the current style with her hair as coiffed and perfumed as any noble woman. Even her voice seemed more cultured that her simple upbringing would suggest. Not arrogant, but aloof.

In Y462 Ephesus, the master of Tminir Tower and a powerful magician, he an auction for a ancient artifact. Charles told her the dagger would allow her to stay forever young and beautiful, just as he had promised. The dagger was a ruse by Charles to get inside the tower as an invited guest. For her part Eva lost far more that just her life. She was trapped on the Lake of Souls doomed to be tormented until the end of time, except for the mercy shown by Amer Terrante. When Amer become the new Master of the Tower, upon the assassination of Ephesus, he freed all of the souls trapped by the lake.