Brotherhood of Mansfield

The Brotherhood of Mansfield are knights dedicated to Byrne as the King of Kings. No man should raise himself so high as to challenge the rights of the gods to rule men. The knights are only accepted from the temple knights that serve the Temple of Light. Upon acceptance into their ranks the knights take further oaths to Byrne and the Brotherhood.

The Knights of the Brotherhood of Mansfield are not well loved by the nobles of the lands they travel. The knights believe in their divine right to kill any ruler that seeks to place themselves equal or above the gods. What this means has often been open to interpretation of the brother-priests who join the order. Brother-Priests occasionally issue contradictory edicts, leaving their interpretation to the knights themselves.

The knighthood's origins start in Y896 AE when Lord Mansfield, enraged that his Lord Heinrich proclaimed himself a god-king, challenged him to a duel. God-King Heinrich refused on the grounds of his divinity. Lord Mansfield raised an army from his own purse and attacked. It was a short campaign, with Lord Mansfield successful in nearly every battle - even when outnumbered by Heinrich's fanatics. The gods themselves demanded victory no matter the cost. All of Lord Mansfield's sons were killed during the battle and an assassin took his wife and two daughters as well.

In Y1592 as the bard's tales of the honorable Lord Mansfield grew in popularity a several temple knights, inspired by his story, formed a brotherhood. These knights had felt betrayed by Baron Neumann of Greenvelt who took several village wives as his harem, forcing them to violate their oaths to their husbands. Under the light of day they fought their way into this main hall and killed him, freeing his captives. Many neighboring nobles protested this act against their rights, but the Temple of Light fully supported this new brotherhood.

In Y271 AH the brotherhood nearly disbanded, being reduced to seven (7) members. The rise of Reiner IV, a more permissive king, hardened elements within the temple knights. These knights joined the ranks of the brotherhood and within a decade their numbers had swelled to over a hundred (100+).

  1. A knight shall hold these laws sacrosanct
    1. He shall hold themselves to the highest ideals of honor
    2. He shall not kill or strike a woman or child if they cause him no harm
    3. He shall give succor to widows and orphans
    4. He shall serve Byrne with valor and faith
    5. He shall speak the truth at all times
    6. He shall never refuse a challenge from an honorable foe
    7. He shall respect and defend the honor of women
  2. Rulership
    1. Byrne rules over man
    2. Man rules over women
    3. Women rule over children
    4. No bond of fealty shall ever be broken nor entered into lightly
  3. Cherish
    1. Children shall cherish their mothers above all others
    2. Wives shall cherish their Husbands above all others
    3. Men shall cherish Byrne above all others