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Demon Prince of Slaughter

Danshi is a Demon Prince who lives with his eternal followers in the vast blood sands of Harunduch.

As a Demon Prince nearly any land finding his temples would do whatever it takes to raze it from existence. For this reason temples, shrines, and other consecrated sites either tend to be well-hidden or lie in ruins. At the core of any temple is a offering bowl, alter, or other device where the blood can be gathered. Any temple of Danshi must have frequent blood sacrifices or risk becoming fallow of his blessing.

Danshi's followers use a host of weapons and other implements as symbols during their lives. Each of these must be cleverly disguised by other means or risk being uncovered as a follower of the Demon Prince. A knightly order with a blade upon a field of black and red could mean something far more sinister if one believes the knights are dedicated to Danshi.

This twisting of things that are honorable or just is the true symbols of Danshi. The shield can protect, the light drive back the darkness, and the sword bring peace when used properly. Danshi twists these around so that the shield conceals, the light burns, and the sword slaughters all it can reach. The red of deep love and commitment becomes the blood that runs in the streets and is drunk by the land.

Blood Priest

A Blood Priest or Priestess is a mortal that has been shown great favor by Danshi. Blood Priests never work together and usually fight among themselves to bring glory to their patron. Danshi cares little for these wars, the slaughter of innocents or his own followers is the same in his eyes. In fact he often rewards Blood Priests who kill their fellow priests as it weans the weak chaff from his followers.


The Reavers are a plague upon the world that no nation, hero, or even god can exterminate from the world. The madness and slaughter of the Reavers are legendary as is their near indestructibility. It takes nearly the complete quartering of their body to kill these monstrous berserkers. When one band of Reavers has been destroyed Danshi sees to the spread of the plague to another unwitting village and the cycle of death begins anew. This plague is spread by the few Reavers that come to the madness willingly and become the Blood Priests of Danshi.


A bloodletting happens when a large number of people are killed by a follower of Danshi and their blood is allowed to flow freely into the ground. This ground that is soaked in the blood can then be used to call upon the favor of Danshi.

The Burning

After a Bloodletting, the corpses are stacked up and burned, the smoke allowed to rise and poison the air. A powerful follower can use that smoke to case a darkness or pall upon an area - driving those under the cloud into their own despair and madness. This often will result in multiple people suddenly slaughtering those around them as the breath of Danshi takes hold in their lungs.


There are many legends that Danshi was the one who created the orcs. While there is no absolute proof who created the orcs, it would certainly be within Danshi's power to create a creature blinded by bloodlust to kill all living things.