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List of Deciduous Animals

Draken Draken Field Guide Habitat MostAggressive 9Occurrence 3Social SolitarySee Also none Description Draken ancestors once ruled a mighty empire that spanned several worlds. They wielded magic that allowed them to command the laws of nature. Greed and corruption brought the empire down in a war that nearly destroyed their race. The survivors of this terrible war were changed, eventually evolving into their current state.
Gargoyle Gargoyle Field Guide Habitat AnyAggressive 9Occurrence 3Social SolitarySee Also none Description Gargoyles are solitary creatures that usually prefer to live in isolated places. They are a magical creation that have the ability to breed and grow.Their mating habits are unknown, but their have been sightings of young, so they are either breeding or more are being created.The only thing that is known is that gargoyles lay eggs that appear as common stones until one day it bursts forth and…