Spell Magic

The most common form of magic used by mortals throughout Miranda is commonly referred to as Spell Magic. This magic involves the wizard following a strictly defined set of rules to conjure for magical energy then shape it according to their desires. Where this magic comes from is up to debate between wizards, but that all of the known rules of magic must be followed is a known fact.

Spell Magic is definitely seen as the path to scholars, which explains why it thrives today upon Miranda. Unlike the magic of the ancients that relied on sheer power to exercise, mortals are lacking in the ability to dominate magical energy. Instead, they use the natural order the world, of which magic is but one part, to capture and shape magical energy. Because this relies of staying within the confines of the natural order, once a spell method is discovered anyone following the same steps will achieve the same results. This turned magic from a black and unknown art into something that could studied and researched far from the person that first discovered the spell.


New spells don't just appear from thin air. Studied wizards must relentlessly pursue their study of new ways to manipulate magic in order to advance their own orders. Through careful examination of the natural world, understanding of the flows of magic, and a great deal of trial and error — new spells can be successfully understood enough to teach them to others. If the spell is particularly powerful or useful then the wizard can find other flocking to pay him for a book that details the spell.

However, this is no path to fame and riches. The commoners don't like wizards doing spell research inside of town, so they are often forced to live far from others. Secondly, a great many wizards die every year from accidents while studying magic — often in spectacular and painful ways. Finally, more than one wizard has been killed by another just to get their own hands of new spells. Being so far from town has the disadvantage the the guard don't care what happens to you. This makes the life of a researching mage very hazardous indeed.

HEROize Me

In HERO terms every magician must be a up to -1 in limitations that will be applied to their spell from the list shown below. Each of these limitations represent some aspect of the laws of magic. In addition to that all spells must have Requires Skill Roll and Side Effect. These two limitations show that magic is a very dangerous art to practice.

  • Law of Contagion (Focus)
  • Law of Likes (Focus)
  • Law of Truths (Incantations)
  • Law of Shapes (Gestures, Focus)
  • Law of Repetition (Extra Time, Gestures, Incantations)
  • Law of Repel (Focus, Limited Power)
  • Law of Threes (Focus, Incantations)

Don't think that a wizard can choose a drain for 10points/1d6 for their side effect. Instead, all drains taken only count for 5pts/1d6 and have a recovery rate equal to the time chart in Active Points. This means that more powerful spells that are failed will cause the magician to be drained for a longer time. However, the magician can take more dice of drain to shorten the time chart count. This is subject to the limitation that the time chart cannot be more than halved on its recovery time. No taking the cheesy 100d6 Drain, recovers every second for a No-Limit Limitation.