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The Sister's Roses

The Sister's Roses


The cellar is very small and rough-cut from the stone. It is accessible from the kitchen through a trapdoor in the corner. A pulley hangs above it to assist with heavier loads. Like nearly every cellar in Fountainhead it has strange cold and hot spots. Two of these have been enlarged to serve as a drying room and cold storage.

Ground Floor

In addition to the small foyer from the front door the ground floor has the kitchen, parlor, dining room, and office.

The foyer is small and decorated heavily with rugs and tapestries. A narrow set of stairs go up to the second Floor. Doorways to the dining room and parlor are on opposite sides.

The kitchen is small with only a small stove and dry storage. Fresh food is brought in daily which the cook turns into simple stews and broths. The Sister's Roses stocks far more alcohol that food for their guest. When hosting a notable guest they will have food brought in. The kitchen is only accessible from the dining room.

The dining room is small and dominated by a table suited only for six people. Most of the time the chairs are pulled back against the way providing more space for people to move around. Two small lounging couches are brought from Alysa's office when the table is not in use.

The parlor connects from the foyer and is directly opposite of the dining room. Small, but richly appointed, Alysa Bryce prefers to use this area to meet her better guests. This also allows her to watch anyone coming through the front door. Her office is reachable only through this room.

Alysa's Office is grand compared to any other room in the brothel. In addition to her office there is a curtained off area for her sleeping room and private bath.

Second Floor

There are six small bedrooms

Third Floor

Alysa Bryce

Alysa Bryce has run the brothel since the harvest before last and is well-known to the staff and patrons. Although she herself has never served in a brothel she understands the needs of both parties and ensures a fine environment. She does not tolerate any abuse of her staff and has weathered several problems when patrons get out of line. She does not allow her staff to undertake anything she considers too dangerous. She may not be physically dangerous, but she has made contacts throughout the city and is willing to move against nearly anyone to her benefit.