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List of Rivers in the Western Realms

Big Mud River Big Mud River The Big Mud River is a large sediment-heady river that is sourced from Lake Ventrul and joins with the Lipton River to form the Salato River. Although the Big Mud River is short, spanning less than 30 km in length, its broad width means that most of the water in the Salato River comes from the Big Mud.
Black River Black River This large and slow river empties the Caragan Sea into the xxx sea. Considered one of the most dangerous waterways on the continent of Miran if only because it flows through the Black Forest from which it derives its name. If it was not the fastest way to transport goods from the ports on the Caragan to the major trade routes along the southern shores no sane captain would sail these waters. Because of its position ships do sail it and while the vast majority of them survive the tri…
Cornithia River Cornithia River The Cornithia River is a rocky-bottomed river that flows south from Lake Carrolls until it empties into the Doursse River. Although shallow during the late summer months, the winter rains nearly double its depth. Holdings The largest holding along the river is the village of
Doursse River Doursse River The Doursse River begins on the western shoreline of Lake Hadt, which is filled by many feeder streams that come from the western side of the most eastern line of the Fuldelf Ridge. The river is wide and deep enough to allow for the passage of shallow draft craft along its entire length year round. The river empties into the
Illthande River Illthande River This is the large southern river that runs through the Valley of the Sun. Its headwaters are found in the north of the Krandryian highlands, but until it reaches Worton Lake it is little more than several smaller rivers. Once it cascades over the Worton Falls the river continues through the Valley of the Sun until it empties into the
Lipton River Lipton River The Lipton River is a wide and slow-moving river heavy in tannin, giving is dark brown color. These tannins come from the old oak oak trees that grown along its banks. Approximately 120 km (75 miles) long, the river ends when it joins with the