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The youngest of the gods, during the day Tyrin is a small woman with a jaunty traveling cap, short leather tunic and heavy traveling breeches. She also carries a heavy ash staff, a sack over his shoulder, mandolin, and a pouch full of traveling gear. Her infectious laugh, friendly tricks, and forward nature make her one of the most beloved deities.

When the last rays of the sun touch the earth, Tyrin becomes Cyni her twin sister. However unlike her sister, Cyni is a deceiver and trickster that is always hiding in the darkness to avoid the gaze of those about her. She wears a hooded cape and carries a stout cudgel in place of the ash staff of her sister. Her cape has a gauzy veil that hides her visage from the world around her so nobody is sure about her appearance.

Tyrin is a jester, musician, vagabond, and poet. She has a love of the new and walks the world over in the search of adventure and excitement. Her beauty is well known and has managed to let her escape when her jests are directed at the other gods. Cyni is more deceiver and cruel trickster than her sister. She will strike from the darkness and is at home in the night. The human heart cannot hold its darkest secrets or fears from her unblinking stare.

The temples are not dedicated to a single sister, but in fact worship them both. During the day the statue is draped in bright traveling clothes and the priests favor walking sticks with travel pouches. At night a black cape is thrown over the statue and its face covered. Then the priests trade their staves for heavy cudgels and their jovial mannerism for the secrets of the night.


These temples serve an often dual nature. During the day they offer food to the beggars and good luck charms for travelers. In fact, because most of the clerics are well-travelled themselves; they can often offer advise to those seeking the safest way to the next town.

At night the temple will clear out and a different set of worshippers may arrive. Few would want to be seen entering a Temple of Tyrin/Cyni during the night for what happens inside is not meant to be known by normal folk. Dark rites and secret pacts often hold together a network of organized crime that centers around the temple. The same clerics that help the beggars, then turn around at night and help the people that rob and beat them. This complex duality has led to many clerics of Tyrin/Cyni being distrusted, for the cleric that is your friend in the day could be a mortal enemy at night.

The temples are usually large buildings with just a central room and a series of alcoves along the wall. Their is no central altar and only on the most holy of days will the cleric give a sermon to the masses. Instead, the clerics are down with the people serving their needs as individuals. Most temples will have large windows to catch the last and first of the morning's rays so they may welcome and bid farewell when their goddess transforms.


In reference to her dual nature, most of her symbols are those with mirror images of themselves, often changing colors as well with Black and White being the most common. The most common are crossed staves or twin heads split either vertical or mirrored horizontally upon an ermine or fleu-de-le field. Another symbol that has come into being recently is that of seven silver stars upon a black field. It is believed to be tied to the Scions of the Night; although since most people in the church don't believe it exists, these speculations are dismissed.


A mixed lot of people find themselves praying to Tyrin and Cyni. Minstrels, vagabonds, beggars, and other manner of people often considered not a part of normal society pray to Tyrin for a bit of good luck and occasionally an open path in front of them. They also worship so that Cyni's black hand will not stray across their path.

Thieves, assassins, conspirators, smugglers, and others who ply the trades between the shadows drop a few coins into the offering in the hopes of attracting, or distancing, the gaze of Cyni. Even the darkest night holds no secrets for Cyni and those worshippers who displease her will find that she is far more active in punishing her worshippers than other deities. Nobody that has displeased her has lived to tell the tale, for they disappear before the rising of the sun.

Scions of the Night

Main Article: scions_of_the_night

This close-knit and very secretive brotherhood operates as a church within the church — hiding inside those that would destroy them. The Scions are the true worshippers of Cyni and seek to do her bidding upon the world. The church does not engage in organizing criminals and assassins or they would quickly find themselves hung by the neck. Instead, it falls to the Scions to see that Cyni's influence spreads across the world.

In complicated webs of thieves, assassins, burglars, and the unwitting — the Scions eliminate those that pose a threat to Cyni's work. None have risen so high that the Scions cannot strike them down. This can be accomplished either by assassination or simply seeing that they are removed or distracted from important events they would have influenced. Under the black moon they can use the power of foresight given to them by Cyni to foresee important events that require their unique attention.


For every ritual that takes place under the full glory of the sun a second will take place in the dead of the night.


This is the ritual that binds a mortal’s soul to Cyni. It is said that this lays open their true heart, where it will be judged by the goddess. No follower of any other deity can pass this ritual undetected, those not worthy die.


The most reviled and secret ritual. By forming a circle of at least five, followers may break down anyone’s will and turn them into their puppet. No mortal have ever withstood more than nine followers, its not possible. This ritual is a last resort and only allowed by the goddess for special missions.

When they entered this world, Cyni and Tyrin were both beautiful young goddesses. In the War of the Titans Fall a darkness inside of Cyni grew until it nearly consumed her soul. With her body ravaged from within and the outside broken from the war, Tyrin came upon her dying sister gave her a portion of her own life so that she may live. However, because that was the dark magic of the titans, Cyni could only live as a shadow. Giving up her own body to her sister the two goddesses merged, with Cyni becoming the shadow to Tyrin's light.