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The sword resembles a cross between the curved blade of the Turanian scimitar and the thin longknives favored by the Zenosians. The handle is wrapped in wire and leather and studded with a single emerald near the cross guard. The pommel is some type of glass bauble filled with a strange silvery liquid.

Its blade appears made of hundreds of folds giving it great strength and flexibility. The blade itself is over 3 feet in length curving sharply at the tip, and edged only on one side. The crossguard is a simple circle of silver measuring a mere 4 inches across and decorated with hawks.

The Caren are a race of humanoids Likos befriended during his travels after the fall of the Elven Lords. In appreciation of his efforts to save their city their greatest craftsmen labored for a year and a day on the blade, while their mages insured that everything on the hilt had both purpose and meaning. At the end of their work stood Carendassi, strictly meaning Sword of the Carens.

For years Likos traveled the cosmos in search of his kin, at each world he hoped that Elowyn would forgive him and allow him to travel home. Eventually no mortal knew more about the workings of the dimensions than him - it was then he traveled to the world he was fated to never leave alive. He found the world of the Drodril (Dark Elves).

The blade of the sword is sharp enough to slice feathers as they fall through the air - even the air doesn't seem disturbed as they blade passes through. The point is sharp enough to even strike through the hardest dwarven steel.

When called upon the blade becomes as silvery bright as the mid-afternoon sun, allowing they wielder to strike through barriers between dimensions. The smoke on the globe in the pommel parts to allow the wielder's vision to pass through dimensional barriers. The sword grants the ability to live in the dimension as a native.


  • Powers (Cannot be Dispelled, Unique Item)
  • 1d6+1 HKA, 10 STR Min, +2 OCV, Medium length, AP [Edge]
  • 1d6 HKA, 10 STR Min, Small Length, AP, +AP on 11 or less, [Point]
  • Extra-Dimensional Movement, All Dimensions, Requires 1 month of study to select dimension or movement is random, 1 charge per month.
  • Clairsentience, All Sight, Transdimensional to all dimensions
  • Immune to natural conditions of dimension, Only in dimensions studied for 1 month