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Age of Legends

This age begins as the magi complete creation of ten gates of power. These gates will control the amount of magic, or essence, that flows into the world. Their new students are becoming more adept and the final peace seems to have been born. On a perfect day during the height of rebirth the Magi leave the world in the hands of their followers.

History has a way of repeating itself, and the Magi failed to learn from the mistakes of the long gone gods. If left unchecked with too much power, the mortal soul can be corrupted — the absolute power granted by the gates corrupted absolutely. Their students, in a desire for more power, threw open the gates and let the magic run wild over the land.

The essence is a chaotic thing and only the skill and strong will of the user stops its power from reshaping them. As this power spread across the world, nothing had the will to resist its call for change. Monsters than had not been seen since the gods hunted sprang up from the very ground. Most people that had even a spark of magical talent found themselves irrevocably changed.

These creatures lived on the magic as a drunk lives upon alcohol; it flowed through their veins and became life. There could never be enough power, which meant that they had to gain more essence. This lead to a cycle in the waning years of this age as these creatures swallowed up those weaker than themselves to preserve their own existence.

Still, during the height of this age there was nothing that could compare to their wonders. Their cities gleamed in silver and gold, floating high above the earth. People flew across the world, opened gates to other realms, and increased their knowledge ten-fold. It was truly a magical time.

Magi Leave

Why the Magi left is still a mystery. Some believe that they wished to see other lands, others argue they felt their job was accomplished, and still others believe they simply became one with the magic. In any case, it is clear from the oldest writings they felt their students would become masters and keep the gates under control.

While there is much blame placed for what happened next – the most likely solution is the nature of mortal failings. If a little power can do such good, then even more power can do greater good. Why should the new magi be content with so little power? To this end they threw the gates wide opened and let the pure essence of magic wash infuse them with its power.

Across the land the world was forever changed, in the place of paradise came a uncontrolled time of powerful legends. Stray thoughts, magnified thousands of times over, could turn the entire oceans to liquid gold. Then someone else’s thought could change it back. Life was meaningless – only the power mattered.


This was a time of myth and legend. Infused by the uncontrolled power of magic, the world quickly gave birth to the griffins, dragons, unicorns, giants, titans, cyclops, and hundreds of other myths long gone from Miranda. Through all of this walked the new masters – the students of the magi had learned to control the power.

These new masters walked the earth with the power of the gods at their fingertips. They created the great cities, and crafted powerful crystals to harness the magical essence. These crystals gave the magical power to anyone that wished it. These people could never command the power of the masters, but it was the first time most mortals could command magic.

To those that lived through this time – it was a dream unparalleled in mortal history. Still today, when students are asked the question about where in time they wish they could travel – most of them want to visit the Age of Legends. It’s no wonder, when a mortal can wield the power of the gods — but looking back, the price was devastating.

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