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Kingdom of Urstavan










<h1 class=“pagetitle”></h1>

<img src=“./images/m_nationmap_Blood.gif” alt=“Map of Blackblood Territory” border=“0”>

		xxxxx people (xxxxx able-bodied)<BR><BR>
		2,000 mi&sup2; (1,000 developed)<BR><BR>
		more stuff<BR><BR>
	<STRONG>Military Strength:</STRONG><BR>
		xxx Knights<BR>
		xxx Cavalry<BR>
		xxxx Men-at-Arms<BR>
		xxxx Yeomen<BR>
		xxxx Militia<BR>

<H1>Introduction</H1> <P>Riding out of the north atop a black destrider, followed by a thousand battle-hardened warriors,

and leading a column of nearly ten-thousand refugees &mdash; Andrenko created quite a stir wherever
he went. Through western Dakar and on the border between the Three Kingdoms and Xian his column
continued its march south. Until he reached land in Selcaria that he deemed good enough for his
people, where he made a terrible war against the Pan until they retreated father into the woods.</P>

<P>While some of the blonde northland warriors that came south with him eventually returned home

or were killed expanding his realm &mdash; enough remained that no challenger has risen to take
his throne by single combat. Reputated to be the result of a coupling between a human and ogre,
King Andrenko is a formidable giant amoung men.</P>

<!– The King's personal holdings –>

<H1><A name=“Hrud”>Hrud</A></H1> <STRONG>Lord:</STRONG> King Andrenko<BR> <STRONG>Population:</STRONG> xxx people (xxx able)<BR> <STRONG>Land:</STRONG> xxx mi&sup2; (xxx developed)<BR> <STRONG>Economy:</STRONG> <BR> <STRONG>Military:</STRONG> xxx (xx Knights, xxx Cavalry, xx Men-At-Arms, xx Yeomen, xx Militia)<BR>

<H2>People of Reknown</H2>

<H2>Subinfeudated Fiefs</H2>

<H1><A name=“Vir”>Vir</A></H1> <STRONG>Lord:</STRONG>Lord Rond<BR> <STRONG>Population:</STRONG> xxx people (xxx able)<BR> <STRONG>Land:</STRONG> xxx mi&sup2; (xxx developed)<BR> <STRONG>Economy:</STRONG> <BR> <STRONG>Military:</STRONG> xxx (xx Knights, xxx Cavalry, xx Men-At-Arms, xx Yeomen, xx Militia)<BR>

<H2>People of Reknown</H2>

<H2>Subinfeudated Fiefs</H2>

<H1><A name=“xxx”>xxx</A></H1> <STRONG>Lord:</STRONG>Lord yyy<BR> <STRONG>Population:</STRONG> xxx people (xxx able)<BR> <STRONG>Land:</STRONG> xxx mi&sup2; (xxx developed)<BR> <STRONG>Economy:</STRONG> <BR> <STRONG>Military:</STRONG> xxx (xx Knights, xxx Cavalry, xx Men-At-Arms, xx Yeomen, xx Militia)<BR>

<H2>People of Reknown</H2>

<H2>Subinfeudated Fiefs</H2>

<H1><A name=“xxx”>xxx</A></H1> <STRONG>Lord:</STRONG>Lord yyy<BR> <STRONG>Population:</STRONG> xxx people (xxx able)<BR> <STRONG>Land:</STRONG> xxx mi&sup2; (xxx developed)<BR> <STRONG>Economy:</STRONG> <BR> <STRONG>Military:</STRONG> xxx (xx Knights, xxx Cavalry, xx Men-At-Arms, xx Yeomen, xx Militia)<BR>

<H2>People of Reknown</H2>

<H2>Subinfeudated Fiefs</H2>

<H1><A name=“xxx”>xxx</A></H1> <STRONG>Lord:</STRONG>Lord yyy<BR> <STRONG>Population:</STRONG> xxx people (xxx able)<BR> <STRONG>Land:</STRONG> xxx mi&sup2; (xxx developed)<BR> <STRONG>Economy:</STRONG> <BR> <STRONG>Military:</STRONG> xxx (xx Knights, xxx Cavalry, xx Men-At-Arms, xx Yeomen, xx Militia)<BR>

<H2>People of Reknown</H2>

<H2>Subinfeudated Fiefs</H2>

<H1><A name=“xxx”>xxx</A></H1> <STRONG>Lord:</STRONG>Lord yyy<BR> <STRONG>Population:</STRONG> xxx people (xxx able)<BR> <STRONG>Land:</STRONG> xxx mi&sup2; (xxx developed)<BR> <STRONG>Economy:</STRONG> <BR> <STRONG>Military:</STRONG> xxx (xx Knights, xxx Cavalry, xx Men-At-Arms, xx Yeomen, xx Militia)<BR>

<H2>People of Reknown</H2>

<H2>Subinfeudated Fiefs</H2>

<H1><A name=“xxx”>xxx</A></H1> <STRONG>Lord:</STRONG>Lord yyy<BR> <STRONG>Population:</STRONG> xxx people (xxx able)<BR> <STRONG>Land:</STRONG> xxx mi&sup2; (xxx developed)<BR> <STRONG>Economy:</STRONG> <BR> <STRONG>Military:</STRONG> xxx (xx Knights, xxx Cavalry, xx Men-At-Arms, xx Yeomen, xx Militia)<BR>

<H2>People of Reknown</H2>

<H2>Subinfeudated Fiefs</H2>

<H1><A name=“xxx”>xxx</A></H1> <STRONG>Lord:</STRONG>Lord yyy<BR> <STRONG>Population:</STRONG> xxx people (xxx able)<BR> <STRONG>Land:</STRONG> xxx mi&sup2; (xxx developed)<BR> <STRONG>Economy:</STRONG> <BR> <STRONG>Military:</STRONG> xxx (xx Knights, xxx Cavalry, xx Men-At-Arms, xx Yeomen, xx Militia)<BR>

<H2>People of Reknown</H2>

<H2>Subinfeudated Fiefs</H2>

<H1><A name=“xxx”>xxx</A></H1> <STRONG>Lord:</STRONG>Lady yyy<BR> <STRONG>Population:</STRONG> xxx people (xxx able)<BR> <STRONG>Land:</STRONG> xxx mi&sup2; (xxx developed)<BR> <STRONG>Economy:</STRONG> <BR> <STRONG>Military:</STRONG> xxx (xx Knights, xxx Cavalry, xx Men-At-Arms, xx Yeomen, xx Militia)<BR>

<H2>People of Reknown</H2>

<H2>Subinfeudated Fiefs</H2>

<H1><A name=“xxx”>xxx</A></H1> <STRONG>Lord:</STRONG>Lord yyy<BR> <STRONG>Population:</STRONG> xxx people (xxx able)<BR> <STRONG>Land:</STRONG> xxx mi&sup2; (xxx developed)<BR> <STRONG>Economy:</STRONG> <BR> <STRONG>Military:</STRONG> xxx (xx Knights, xxx Cavalry, xx Men-At-Arms, xx Yeomen, xx Militia)<BR>

<H2>People of Reknown</H2>

<H2>Subinfeudated Fiefs</H2>