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Rusty Anchor Tavern

The Rusty Anchor Tavern is by a small tavern in Bornheim's Fishtown district. Once a moderate business, it was partially burned down when constables broke in to break up a smuggling ring. Opened in Y449 AH by Adalbert Busch, one time sea captain (smuggler) who just paid Constable Penrod a grand sum of money after selling his ship the Rusty Shore and arranging the raid.

The name of the tavern comes from the large rust-pitted anchor that leans against the wall outside. Nobody can quite remember who put it there - its been there as long as anyone can remember. The Rusty Anchor has a well-deserved reputation not just drunken brawls, but as one of the only businesses where the elves of the Elven Quarter intermingle freely with the people of the city. Adalbert remains on polite terms with the elves, trusting in their coin and staying out of their business. He is discreet about several of the rooms that get rented from time to time.

Adalbert does not hold the right to rent rooms, but he serves one of the finest meals in the district. The elves allow him to buy spices and vegetables cheaply from them on the bargain that elves may visit the tavern and not be harassed. Its an excellent deal and makes Adalbert a fair sum of money.

The tavern has two floors. The lower floor has a open area filled with tables, chairs, and benches - with several more stacked or leaning against the walls. A small room is walled off for the kitchen where a cook and scullery can be found. The bar consists of a single large deck board laying atop several barrels. This gives the entire establishment the look of a seedy tavern, which Adalbert plays to great effect.

The upstairs is divided into two sections. Adalbert's personal rooms can only be reached through the kitchen and he has the only key to unlock the door. The other part of the upstairs is reached by a narrow set of stairs against the south wall. A cooper put them in to pay off his debt to Adalbert, so they are of solid construction compared to the rest of the tavern. Whores, ship's captains, quartermasters, and several elves have rented these rooms. Adalbert has a reputation for discretion regardless of how long or for what purpose the room is used, as long as the patron paid.

There is a trap door in the floor covered up by one of the barrels of the bar. It opens into storm washout that empties into the bay. The tide collects all manner of flotsam until a rush of rainwater or storm surge drags everything into the sea.