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Gabor is a lumberer who works the southern forest with his crew. He owns a small saw pit near the village of Cannak. He is good at his trade and his crew gets the job done. However, he hates all non-humans. Cannot even stand the stench of them. He tolerates goblins as long as they understand their place in the world as servants.



Gabor arrived at Fountainhead several harvests ago and settled into a small village south of the city. He had learned a lumberer's trade and soon had a good saw pit up and running. He has worked closely with Janos since the last harvest and likes the way the man thinks and speaks. Janos does not tolerate lies and those who tell them - and neither does Gabor.

Legacy of Marak

In the Legacy of Marak campaign Gabor tangled with Keribrar and Hafwyn at the Sword and Bones tavern. He was with his crew and they threw both of them out of the tavern. Keribrar came back inside and suffered a severe beating.


Date Events
453 Arrives at Fountainhead