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Irillian Legion

The Irillian Legion is a large tactical unit of Irill. The legions have been the sword and shield against the enemies of Irill. They have conquered lands and defended the home. The legion has a very proud tradition that draws strength from its history. The legion trains out the individual and stress the whole. The standard legion unit is heavy infantry. It was not until the formation of the Republic of Irill that cavalry and archers were integrated into the legion instead of serving as auxiliaries.

Once legion, Always legion or He's legion are both simple sayings that speak to the strength the legion draws from itself. The legion will always stand for those recognized as legion, those who fought shoulder to shoulder with the legion. The standard of the legion symbolizes its pride and strength.


The name “legion” was used to define the entirety of the Irillian Army during the time of the Lords of Irill, Kingdom of Irill, and the early years of the Irillian Empire. It was sometime around 930 AE that the first concept of the modern legion formed under Emperor Cladius I.



Consul Paulos served under Emperor Cladius I during his conquest of Ijo. Before this time the Irillian “Legion” was comprised of prominent noble families who sought rich lands and treasure. The noble with the largest force was appointed Warlord and given command of the war. Any family wishing to partake of the spoils of war swore to personally serve the Warlord. This made the war more of an extension of the court politics. Without a strong leader with absolute support defeat came nearly as often as victory.

Consul Paulos served as strategos for Emperor Cladius I and put forward the first idea of a standing legion trained and supported. It was the first example of a professional army on Miran.

Each legion took its name from its banner: Lupo, Drago, Leone, Orso. It was divided by tents. Three men to a tent, four tents in a squad (12 men), three squads to a file (36 men), four files to a block (144 men). Each squad was commanded by a sergeant and each block by a centos. During this time the legion was composed of three block (432 men). In actual terms the average legion numbered over five hundred men (500 men) when including skirmishers and scouts.

The common battle formation consisted of two up and one back phalanx. The file stood in a line with the first file on the left and their sergeant on the outside. This allowed the file to divide into its squads allowing men in the rear to move forward. The average legion was organized as a five hundred men (500 men) unit designed to operate as a whole.

Legion (combatants)

Archers and Skirmishers would be attached as auxiliary units serving directly under the Legion consul. Specialty units like Cavalry and Engineers would be commanded directly by a Consul appointed by the Imperium.


During the time when Damaskos served as strategos he made numerous changes to the legions. The size of each legion increased to over two thousand men (2000 men) as the Irillian Empire conquered its neighbors. Damaskos was rigid in the two-up one-back tactic that had served the legions well and applied it across his New Legion.

The Maniple was considered the common fighting unit. Each Centos under the Maniple operated in a two-up one-back formation. Maniples drilled for long hours so that each Centos could interpass allowing fresh soldiers to the front lines with minimal disruption. This was only possible when Damaskos convinced the Imperium to grant land rights to those soldiers who served four five-year terms. These rights were traditionally granted in newly conquered territory.

The size of the command staff of the legion grew under Damaskos and became more specialized. The legates, tribunes, and subtribunes were legion, but no longer were drawn from the ranks. Instead many of these men were educated specialists who served four year terms.

Discipline in the ranks grew under Damaskos as second and third generation legionaries filled the ranks. It is said no legion ever deserted the field, but instead would back-up in good order. A legionnaire's gear was standardized allowing replacement and standard tactics. Many of the new legions were drawn from specific areas and took their names from the cities and provinces where they mustered.

Legion (combatants)

Archers, Skirmishers, and Wing Calvary would be attached as auxiliary units serving directly under the Legion commanders. Cavalry and Engineers would be commanded directly by the Proconsul.


The end of the Irillian Empire brought the last of the great changes to the legion. Continued discipline allowed the legions to grow in size and still retain maneuverability and discipline. Each legion now numbered over five thousand men (5000+ men). The legion was comprised of ten cohorts with the prime standing at double-strength.

The legion ranks became more standardized. Each legion was led by a Proconsul and assisted by one or two Consuls. The proconsul would assign themselves legates to handle specific duties - strategy, logistics, cavalry, auxiliary. Each legate would have a staff of tribunes and subtribunes to oversee their labors.

The rank of Centurion became the first professional officers. The Spear that commands a cohort is the most experienced of the Centurions that command each of the centuries that comprise the cohort. The Prime Spear is the most able and experienced of the Spears that command each of the centuries.

The Cohort is the basic fighting unit and comprised of a single tactical unit - heavy infantry is the tradition of the legions. Each cohort leaves gaps between its line in a classic three line array allowing lead units to fall back and regroup or reserve units to push forward. The first cohort was the first line and filled with the most experienced soldiers, while the third line were the least experienced. The second line were Cohorts two through five and they lined up in the gaps between the first line. The final line was Cohorts six through ten and lined up directly behind the first line.

Legion (combatants)


Legion Home Emblem Date Stationed Notes
II Coranni xxx Sun xx Selcaria
III Leppapi xxx Lion xx Selcaria
V Domonii xxx Thunderbolt xx Valparia
I Valparia n/a Kraken and Trident xx disbanded Became Three Kingdoms military
II Valparia n/a Kraken and Trident xx disbanded Became Three Kingdoms military
III Valparia n/a Kraken and Trident xx disbanded

See Also