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Techiuan is one of the Fallen Gods who is bound to the world. Techiuan gave his divinity freely so the Earthmother could contain the Heart of Mir. He became the god over the Utmarii Plateau on the continent of Aquanius.




Techiuan is often depicted riding a black horse and holding a spear or two-handed sickle aloft. He is associated with the soft loam of the earth and the animals to hunt or fish. He finds solace among the primitive tribes of humans who settle on the plateau.

Long ago he was likewise a polarizing figure. He wished to help the humans who viewed him as little more than some powerful fae or angel. In time they came to worship them and he watched them as his children. When the magicians of Marak arrived they poisoned the land and slew the beasts of the air in great numbers. Techiuan went to sleep, but not before passing his chalice unto Aegrin for safe-keeping.




See Also