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Bayberry Twinkleflight

Bayberry Twinkleflight is a pixie in the service of Seirian. She is nearly seven centimeters tall (3“ in height) with an average build and red veins running through her wings. Unlike most pixies she has grown to love the bright and chaotic nature of the city and journeyed with Seirian to Fountainhead.



Legacy of Marak

During the Fountainhead arc of the Legacy of Marak campaign she was given to Thorne for the passing of the moon. She is to carry messages and fetch small things for him. She has been introduced to all of his companions and has a marked distaste of Kukla and Quilate, but is fond of Keribrar.


Date Events
Classic Age
Comes into existence
Age of Empires
Becomes of a vassal of Seirian
Age of Heroes
458 Arrives in Fountainhead before Seirian
460 Attends to Thorne

See Also