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Great Temple of Marak

The Great Temple of Marak is gray stone mausoleum in which the remains of King Huddlesford were interred. On the year anniversary of the king's death the temple was sealed and sunk into the earth, never again to see the light of day until the end of the times. The war between the Circle of Marak and Techiuan and Aegrin tore the temple from the earth and raised it into the sky atop a shelf of basalt.

In 369 AH the temple was finally broken into by Merridan who named himself king on Fountainhead, the town that settled on the shelf.

Architecture and Design

All of the walls are made from a dark gray stone that was quarried near the Blackthorn Mountains. Craftsmen worked for tend years to build the Great Temple and the interior is decorated with carved walls and floors depicting the honor and greatness of King Huddlesford.

The building consists of a large central structure opened with only eight pillars holding up the roof. Three smaller buildings are attached. Two of them consist of wide wings, while the third is a smaller building in the rear of the temple.


In front of the temple is a large open forum ringed with five arches. Carved into the pillars or the arch are the words of King Huddlesford on the five virtues of each class. If looking inward the landed class is on the right, the crafters on the left, and the nobility on the arch. These virtues are honor, purity, humility, justice, and diligence. Humility is directly across from the grand doors. As looking from the temple doors justice is on the right and honor on the left. Purity and diligence are between humility/honor and humility/justice respectively. On the inside of each arch is carved the likeness of the Five Dualities.

Left Wing

The left wing was created for many small rooms. Each room was dedicated to one of the children or wives of King Huddlesford, who have several of both during his life. His surviving children and wives were not buried with him, but each one dedicated a room within this wing to their worship of him and his life. The wing is three stories tall; although each level is short enough that a tall person would have to duck a bit to move around. The third floor is the shortest with the supports only five foot from the floor.

Right Wing

The right wing was built to hold the army that would guard him in the Afterlife. At one time there were nearly forty stone statues of soldiers kept in this large room - weapons at the ready. Those statues are mostly long gone and the room has be turned over to prominent members of the King's Court for their personal rooms. It is nearly impossible to hold a secret conversation as the walls are cut with tubes the carry sound around the area.

Burial Room

The smallest building, only a single story tall, is where the remains of King Huddlesford was kept during his first year. Parishioners were visit his body and pay their respects to him. In the larger central room is a large hatch on the floor that the current king, King Merridan, uses to throw people into the Tunnels of Misery.


King Huddlesford

King Merridan

A few years before the Fountainhead arc of the Legacy of Marak campaign, Merridan, and ogrekin, moved into the temple and killed anyone squatting. He drove out any survivors, named himself king, and has been ruling the past few years.

See Also