TAG: dragon

Drake Drake Drakes were created by the dragons as they indirectly warred with each other. For thousands of years these intelligent, but not sentient, creatures sprea… ,
Fryste Fryste Fryste is a large dragon whose body is comprise of ice, snow, and rock. She lives in a deep crevice near the north pole killing any that attempt to appr…
Great Dragon Great Dragon There are twelve (12) Great Dragons on Miranda. Each of them fully capable of swallowing the largest mortal nation whole. These titanic beasts wer…
Sha'harra Sha'harra Sha'harra is one of the Great Dragons still left on the world. She, like her kin, was birthed from the blood of Mir when the world was formed. Sha'ha…
Sha’rek’ta Sha’rek’ta Sha’rek’ta image Other Names Dragonman Temporal Range Age of the Ancients See Also Ecology Statistics reptile dragon biome_any , ,