Great Dragon

There are twelve (12) Great Dragons on Miranda. Each of them fully capable of swallowing the largest mortal nation whole. These titanic beasts were birthed in the Heart of Mir as the Earthmother built its prison. They live on the world as the last remnant of Mir. It is from the Great Dragons which all dragonkind descend.

The Great Dragons are not gods or devils made from Creation or the Un-Life, but instead sprang from the silver heart of Mir alone. They wield a power grounded in this world and upon this world they reign supreme.

The first four Great Dragons are the most powerful. Even slumbering in isolated lands their power spreads across the world suffering following in its wake. War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death.


The dragon of blood and violence regardless of meaning or desire. War spreads not just slaughter and massacres, but righteous wars. The bearer of civil wars and mortals inhumanity to others. No commune can stand fast against such division as even the smallest slight drives war.


The reaper of crops and herds. This dragon has two heads on either end, one withering crops and plants while the other kills beasts. Unlike the other of the Four Great Dragons, Famine is the only one incapable of harming a sapient being. It can destroy any plant or animal, but cannot destroy or harm the spirit. It is the black dragon of mourning and loss.


A dragon of white perfection, Pestilence was the first to reach the surface of the world. Behind its passage come a bewildering host of plagues and infection. It is often called the First of the Beasts as vermin and other wild beasts spread disease among the others.


This Pale dragon follows in the path of the others reaping the souls of the fallen into its own maw. These spirits do not journey to the Afterlife, but instead meet their final death. Those swallowed by death are never again a part of existence - all is forever gone. Death is the purest seed of the un-life given birth by Mir.

The next seven dragons came from the heart in order. The first was the mightiest of them, while the seventh is the weakest. Even the weakest has nothing to fear from those gods and devils that venture to this land. These Great Dragons are called Pride, Lust, Wrath, Greed, Envy, Sloth, and Gluttony.


The first and strongest of the Great Dragons of Sin, Pride is the perversion of dignity and holiness and the height of hubris. This dragon is the source of corrupt selfishness, putting the desires of the self above all others. Pride is superior to all of the other Great Dragons, more important and any other being in the universe. Pride holds only contempt for all others as it is the first of all other Great Dragons of Sin.

Pride is often depicted as a dragon carved from a single perfect jewel.


From Lust came all other dragons in the world. The unending and unbridled desire leading to all immoral sexual acts. The strongest of the Dragons of Desire, followed by Greed and Gluttony, but often consider the least destructive. Lust does not care for the needs of others, its own desires are all important.

Lust is nearly always depicted in the form of whomever is viewing it. It is nearly impossible for someone to visualize it without seeing a enslaved reflection of their own desires.


Driven by anger, rage, and hatred Wrath is the dragon of wanton destruction, violence, and hate. Wrath if the living perversion of justice by revenge and spite. A slave to its own blinding rage Wrath chained to the Earthmother to stop it from destroying everything.

Wrath is often depicted as an endless serpent-like dragon covered in blood and surrounded by vast ruins.


The most important of the Dragons of Desire, Greed is the Great Dragon of avarice and covetousness. Greed wants everything and does not tolerate any to have anything that it cannot possess. It would be driven to see something destroyed before it could be possessed by another. Greed seeks to overthrow Pride as the strongest of the Great Dragons of Sin and the root of all evil.

Greed is a dragon made from precious metals and covered in precious stones. It rests atop of heap of the worlds treasure, the broken bodies a testament to those who would steal from it.


Envy is an insatiable desire to be better than all others driven by unhampered vainglory. Unlike Greed that desires all things, Envy wants this that belong to others. Envy has fought with Greed ever since their birth over Greed's possessions. Envy, far weaker than Greed, as been drive off each time to rage in what it's denied. Envy is not just driven by material goods, but favor, traits, status, and abilities. Envy is driven to do anything to take something from someone.

Envy is maw of blackness from which nothing can escape, but everything can be swallowed. No matter what Envy has it still covets that which others possess.


Sloth still rests on the Heart of Mir ignoring all calls to act. The sin of indifference to not just others but self, Sloth stays away from the others. Sloth subverts the body and spirit, driving from it desire, love, hate, peace, and rage. Nothing matters to Sloth as it has no need for things. Even the other Great Dragons of Sin are wary of Sloth for its strength is so pervasive and all-encompassing that they would too be dragged down to its mire.

Sloth is commonly depicted as resting on anything decaying or falling apart. For all its power Sloth is shown as at peace lacking any emotion.


Glutton is a one of three Dragons of Desire, along with Lust, and Greed. It is not one dragon, but six dragons joined to a single large body. Each of these heads reflect the sickness of the other Great Dragons of Sin. As powerful and strong as each dragon, Gluttony is the reflection of them far worse than the truth. Gluttony is the over consumption of anything behind the point of waste until it teeters on edge of destruction.

The last, smallest, and weakest of all the Great Dragons, Hope was birthed from The Creation that exists in all outsiders. Only The Creator and Krynan were made from the pure essences of the universe. This is the Great Dragon that called the Shadow Realms to this world and guides it across the lands. From it sprung all of the mortals. It is believed that Hope lives at the bottom of the Well of Life and only Ellowyn has seen it, which moved her to create the first True Elf.

Hope is what stops the other Great Dragons from destroying the prison for the Heart of Mir.