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people:fiella [2018/10/15 12:43]
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-====== Fiella ====== 
-**Fiella** (Fiella lánya Coalbeard clan Snowstomper) has always been good with people. Friendly and outgoing she was skilled at listening and remembering the important parts for later conversations. The two talents led her to become a go to for people and information. While some of her information is gathered from other trusted sources, she still gathers most of her information herself. She has a nose for the best bits of information - the first being always those who are looking for her. 
-She is shorter than average for a dwarf with curly brown hair and dark brown eyes. She has some tattoos in the middle of her back, but keeps those covered up to avoid standing out. 
-===== Statistics ===== 
-  * **Occupation**:​ Fixer 
-  * **Nationality**:​ [[atlas:​Stoneheart Hold]] 
-  * **Family**: Rondo syn Nočné-jazdec (M) and Thofarra dcéra Snehováhriva (F) 
-  * **Lifetime**:​ 365 AH - 
-  * **Religion**:​ [[orgs:​Dwarf Totem#​Hojnosť]] 
-  * **Ethnicity**:​ [[creatures:​Dwarf]],​ [[orgs:​Snowstomper Clan]] 
-===== History ===== 
-The [[orgs:​Snowstomper Clan]] live in the [[atlas:​Abjurer Mountains]] along [[atlas:​Silky Ridge]]. The land is rich with coal and gems. When she was young, Fiella helped carry food and water to the miners. She listed to their stories and laughed at the appropriate times, but really she was listening to their gossip. The miners gossiped like old fishwives and it wasn't long until something juicy landed in her lap. She was able to turn this knowledge into a tidy profit with little effort. 
-Over the years Fiella became a very good listener. As long as you were attentive most people would tell you the most outrageous things. Some did it to feel important while others did it just to talk about something. She developed a good talent for blocking out the background noise while standing in the background. In such a small community it was only a matter of time before people narrowed their search for this secretive seller of knowledge. 
-==== Fountainhead ==== 
-Fiella needed a large city and moved to the closest one, [[atlas:​Fountainhead]],​ to make some money and escape trouble in the clan. At first she succumbed to the land and strange sense of forgetfulness,​ but one day something changed. She remembers seeing a very strange land ruled by misshapen creatures. She heard a bell ring and then everything was suddenly in focus. She saw an elf of heroic proportions surrounded by some sticky tar-like blackness. 
-When she woke up everything seemed so different. There are still gray foggy days, but most days are very different. Given her profession the situation of both good and bad. Things are good in that most people are unguarded in their speech - the bad is that it is easier to gather information. The fog does give her unprecedented means to keep people slightly knocked off their feet. People are manipulated the easiest when they cannot gather in numbers and compare 
-===== Timeline ===== 
-^ Date  ^ Events ​ ^ 
-| 431 AH  | Arrives in [[atlas:​Fountainhead]] ​ | 
-| 450  | Wakes from the slumber ​ | 
-====== Possessions ====== 
-^ Item  ^ Notes  ^ 
-{{tag>​npc dwarf legacy_marak fountainhead}}