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Litheria is the seneschal to King Merridan and controls access to him from those who live in the city. She is concerned about the people of the city as any cynical politician. Her goal is to keep the people from rioting, looting, or rebelling - anything else she gains for the king is gravy.

Litheria is only one-quarter elven, her mother is a half-elf, and shows very little of her heritage. She has long brown hair and hazel eyes. She always walks with confidence with the air of ruler. She is willing to be supportive of those who align with her goals, but she is willing to eliminate those who oppose her.




She felt a calling to this city and after only a few months she knew why this happened. She was pulled into the Caves of Chaos by Aegrin. It was a dark and confusing place - a place where nobody belonged. After being pulled into that place several times she felt a connection. She was drawn to several other bewildered spirits. They formed a bond that gave them clarity and purpose. The others are Etrin, Captain Savino, and Duerte.

It was an odd connection and the worked together. It was her, Savino, and Etrin that brought King Merridan to power - and who still support his rule from the throne. He is the strength they need for the battle to come. She has not seen Duerte in the real world in several years. He was scholar who was researching the archives beneath the city when he disappeared. She knows he is alive, but fears he works for the enemy.

Legacy of Marak

She has made a name for herself among the poor in the lower neighborhoods of Fountainhead - specifically among the poor in the Market District.


Date Events (Age of Heroes)
423 Born
455 Arrives in Fountainhead
458 Seneschal for King Merridan

See Also