Table of Contents


kaa is the name used by the dakarians for magic. The modern meaning of the word is “how to” or “how do” and was used to explain how a magician (maģija) could do something. It was the elves of the Elfamežs who taught the first dakarians how to become maģija.


There is the miesa (Body), the dvēsele (Soul), and the viss (All). Each of these must be in harmony or someone cannot be a maģija.


The dvēsele is the kaa of the soul. Each person was believed to have a single soul, a magician had a second soul. This second soul is their maģija (Soul of kaa). They can use their maģija to overwhelm the soul of someone else. When a magician negotiated a peace between warring neighbors they used their dvēsele to persuade or command those around them. The stronger their dvēsele the more they could speak. Destroying the dvēsele of another is a grave sin.

The fae are believed to be dvēsele without true miesa.


The miesa is the kaa of the body. The body of a magician was strengthened by their kaa. They used kaa to overcome the body's limits. The bitter cold or enemy spears did not harm one's miesa is their kaa was strong. Very powerful miesa could take the shape of the animals, but it was a sin to take the shape of anther man. This weakened the dvēsele of the magician as it left them vulnerable from the original. There is only one miesa for each dvēsele, but not the reverse.

An animal is said to have miesa but no dvēsele.


What is not miesa or dvēsele is viss - this is true. All that exists outside of the body and the soul is part of the viss. Commanding the weather, elements, or woods are all viss.