Table of Contents


The Ladder

Number Adjective
-2 Terrible
-1 Poor
+0 Mediocre
+1 Fair
+2 Average
+3 Good
+4 Great
+5 Superb
+6 Fantastic
+7 Epic
+8 Legendary


All characters are represented by their scale. Scale is an abstract term that encompasses both physical size as well as individuals. Scale will also adjust the length of time for each exchange. When nations engage in a conflict each exchange will often represent several weeks of time.

When in conflict with entites more than one step from your scale any individual weapon damage bonuses, armor ratings, or stunts are meaningless - unless they say otherwise or it makes narrative sense.

For each scale of difference any conflict gets the following adjustments:

Scale Examples
Tiny Smaller than a cat or dog
Human A human, elf, dwarf, horse, cottage, or skiff
Giant A single giant, dragon, company of men, a village, or long ship
Local A large dragon, keep, town, or carrack
Regional An area large enough for tens of thousands of people
Nation A entire nation with hundreds of thousands of people
Empire An area filled with millions of people
World An area with hundreds of millions of people
Plane Multiple inhabited worlds encompassing billions of people
While The Guild is able to operate over a larger area, it does not have the size of a nation, so its scale will be set as Regional. The phoenix_force is few in number so they are created at Giant scale. When The Guild attacks Phoenix Force they get a +2 to their attack and gain a +2 Weapon Damage. When they defend against Phoenix Force they get a +2 to their defense and an Armor:2 rating.


Rank Time
1 Instant
2 A few seconds
3 Half a minute
4 A minute
5 A few minutes
6 15 minutes
7 Half an hour
8 An hour
9 A few hours
10 An afternoon
11 A day
12 A few days
13 A week
14 A few weeks
15 A month
16 A few months
17 A season
18 Half a year
19 A year
20 A few years
21 A decade
22 A lifetime


The distance a ship can sail, the range of a castle’s signals, and so on, is determined by the appropriate skill level (Systems for communication, Water Manoeuvre for sailing, etc) on the table below. This doesn’t apply to weapons.

Number Adjective Examples
-2 Terrible Anywhere in the immediate vicinity
-1 Poor Halfway to the next town, village, or island
+0 Mediocre A neighbouring town, village, or island
+1 Average Several towns or islands away
+2 Fair A different region
+3 Good Anywhere in the current kingdom
+4 Great Another kingdom
+5 Superb Anywhere on the current continent
+6 Fantastic Anywhere in the known world
+7 Epic Another plane of existence
+8 Legendary Anywhere in the Internection