
See Also: Skills, Default Skill List

If aspects define who a person is, skills define what he can do and how he does it. These skills allow Cohen's to Fight, Tharen's ability to build Rapport with people. Hellstrom's capability to wield the forces of magic is actually handled as Extras (see Magic).

Actions and Outcomes

See Also: Actions and Outcomes

Fate defines its skills in accordance to the Four Actions. These are Create an Advantage, Overcome, Attack and Defend.

The result of any skill test is determined by the Four Outcomes, which are Fail, Tie, Success, and Success with Style.

Miranda Skills

The majority of these skills are strictly drawn from the Default Skill list in the Fate CORE book. The additional skills will be found on this wiki.

Skill Capsule
Athletics Physical abilities apart from sheer strength
Burglary Lock picking, Infiltration, Security, Sleight of Hand
Contacts Social Networking, Gather Information, Rumors
Crafts Making, Fixing, and Breaking Stuff
Deceive Lies through word and/or deed
Drive Operate vehicles
Empathy Reading People's moods and bearing, Mental Initiative, Detect Lies
Fight Fisticuffs, Melee Weapons, CQB
Investigate Concentrated searching and in-depth scrutiny
Lore Knowledge of Arcane and Supernatural, Herbalism
Notice Passive Awareness, Physical Conflict Initiative
Physique Breaking & Lifting Things, Physical Stress, Physical Prowess
Provoke Inspire fear, anger, shame, etc. - the being a jerk skill
Rapport First Impressions, Public Speaking or Performances
Resources Spending Money, Lifestyle
Scholarship History, Languages, Science and Engineering
Shoot Ranged Weapons
Stealth Hiding, Skulking, Ambush
Survival Riding, Animal Handling, Scavenging, Geography, Navigation
Will Concentration, Composure, Courage, Mental Stress