Stoneheart Mountains

The largest mountain range above sea-level is contained within an region called the Iron Mountains. This large snow-capped range run northwest to southeast along the northern edge of the Iron Mountains reaching from Leviathan Bay to nearly the White Sea. Imposing and very dangerous, this mountain range is a natural barrier from the cold north and the rich southern farmlands.

Axe Pass

This is the only pass that is safe to travel for most of the year. There are several other passes that cut through the range, but they can be treacherous even during the most temperate seasons. This pass is wide enough that only during the worst snows will it be closed. Stoneheart Hold sits astride the entire pass so that none may use the pass without gaining entrance to the mighty fortress.

Gate of the Gods

Main Article: Gate of the Gods

The spires of these two large mountains extend so high that their peaks are lost in the clouds typically found in the mountains. Located at the southern opening of Axe Pass, these peaks are permanently snow-capped and some of the most dangerous mountains to climb.