Cosmic Beings

This is a very short list comprised of only three things: the Eldar, Chronos, and Entropy. Creation is also both a part of this list and beyond the scope of this list because of its unique position (see Entropy's description). Don't ask for a better description of things get very strange when discussing my world at this level. Still, it needed to be said that so that I lay the very foundation of all things to come.


See Also: Eldar

Beings that exist only on a conceptual level far beyond the understand of even the immortals of the world. These are more the concepts and thoughts of a living universe - an expression of its will. As such they exist or do not exist dependent upon the whim of the living beings of the universe.


See Also: Chronos

Time. The pendulum upon which everything else swings. Without Chronos everything else would exist and not exist in-between a moment. Unlike the Eldar, Chronos existed the moment right before the universe and will exist for just a moment after the universe no longer exists.


See Also: Entropy

When the universe was created so was Entropy. This being is the end of the universe as it falls into a endless nothing, only to be re-created once more.