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Corrindian Cyclops

The Corrindian Cyclops or Jedim is a species of Cyclops that branched off near the end of the Age of Legends. The Jedim have fully adapted to life in the seas. Unlike other cyclops the Jadim will travel in small family groups, often waking and sleeping at similar intervals.

The largest difference between a Jedim and other Cyclops is the large whale-like tail instead of legs. Better adapted to the water, this tail allows the Jedim to move efficiently through the water regardless of its size. It is not a quick or agile swimmer, nor can it swim for hundreds of miles without a rest. The Jadim prefer to follow the large currents that flow through the oceans. These currents are strong with the flow of the Shadow Realms, ley lines through the seas.

Jadim are air-breathing; although they also have primitive gills. A Jadim can sustain a dive of nearly 30 minutes if they don't engage in any vigorous activity.

During hibernation the Jadim will float near the surface and bask in the sun. Its primitive gills providing enough oxygen flow to maintain their life during this period of inactivity. Unlike other cyclops, the Jadim will often gather in numbers during hibernation. This will draw the attention of birds, who use their bodies as floating islands. Older Jadim hibernate long enough they have become small islands with insects and plant growth.

The Jadim live far longer than their other cyclops, with average age often exceeding three thousand years (3000 years) until they enter their last hibernation state. Females still only give birth to a single child, but because the Jadim are less solitary several children will often be traveling with a small family group of both men and women.

Once children reach adulthood they will find others similar in age and form their own family group. For Jadim so close in age they will all hibernate and wake around the same time.


Accounting for over 90% of all Corrindian Cyclops, the Jedim are as outlined above.

White Corrindian Cyclops

The White Corrindian Cyclops lives only under the frozen ice packs of the Northern Ice Shelf, only swimming south during the winter with the flows of ice to feed. Like all cyclops they normally live an isolated and solitary life, but during the summer will gather in communities of dozens. With so little sun their skin and eyes are pale white. They have a thicker coat of hair covering their skin, along with more blubber. They have not adapted to the deepest diving of the Jedim, instead preferring to live and hibernate near the surface.